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Task Force Updates Since our last report in August Task Force 21 has seen some exciting changes at the helm. A huge shoutout to Fleet Admiral Teylas...
Hello Bravo Fleet! We are happy to announce new additions and updates to our command registry and the asset system. Firstly, thank you to...
Fiction Writing
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Roleplaying Games
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Writing Sandboxes
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Task Force 17
Deep Space Operations
Task Force 21
Frontier Operations
Task Force 47
Pathfinding Operations
Task Force 72
Diplomatic Operations
Task Force 86
Border Operations
Task Force 93
Humanitarian Operations
Read the latest announcements from our staff about upcoming events, updates on our community, and more!
Echoes of the Tkon: Lore Office News
Exciting news from the Lore Office! After seeking more writers, I am happy to announce the Lore Office has taken on Mark as the latest Staff Assistant for the Canon Team. Expect to see his impact on the wiki and other Lore Office content in the weeks ahead, and I know I’ll find a fresh […]
Intelligence Office
Alexander Beckett
Gaming Updates – June 2021
Hello, and as they say in STO now, a blessed Lohlunat to you! Pride Month 2021 was a busy month for the Gaming Office. If you had not noticed yet, the Star Trek Online section of the Gaming Policy was updated. Apologies for the length of the document, but it was necessary; there was a […]
Security Office
Rob Mackenzie
OCS Staff Updates!
Hello Bravo Fleet! Just a quick update that I’ve closed the application period for new staff for the Office of the Chief of Staff. I’m pleased to announce that we actually got quite a bit more applications than I expected. I was originally aiming to bring on one new person, maybe two. However, I decided to […]
Fleet CommandOffice of the Chief of Staff
Teylas Ramar
Lore Office Update
After Coppelius ‘Mercifully, General Oh saw sense, or at least that her aspirations were thwarted with the destruction of the Coppelius Beacon, and ordered the withdrawal of Romulan forces.’ Admiral Beckett’s gaze swept across the faces of the other officers gathered at the round briefing table in the heart of Starbase Bravo. The six were […]
Task Force 93 Monthly Report – May 2021
The Assignment Space the final frontier, going where no man has gone before ran through her mind as she stood in the ring corridor of Devron Fleet Yards an Unity-class Starbase looking out of the many windows at the ships buzzing around. The events of Archanis kept running through her mind, not paying attention to […]
ReportsTask Force 93
Azras Dex
Fleet Command Report: The Next Fleet Action is Coming!
Happy June and Happy Pride, Bravo Fleet! Another month has passed since my last report, and there are some really fun and exciting things to update you all on! Almost immediately after our last Fleet Action, The Raptor’s Wings, we began preliminary planning of our Fleet Action for this year. I’m happy to announce that […]
Fleet Command
Task Force 17 May Report
Completing A Full Circle USS Discovery NCC-82006 Docked at Starbase 38, Barzan System, Alpha Quadrant Stardate: 76415.61 It was busy in the large main crew lounge. Jam-packed would be the best phrase to describe it. Noisy was another word to use with the huge crowd that were all mingling and getting to know one another. […]
Zack Marshall-Bennet
The Year Ahead
Hello, Bravo Fleet! Each year Bravo Fleet Command makes an important decision regarding the future of our organization: the appointment, or reappointment, of a Bravo Fleet Commanding Officer. Because of how influential the position is to our community, anyone who holds the office sits for only one year at a time and is subject to […]
Elizabeth Wolf
Gaming Office Survey
Hello All, Hope your Saturday is going well! As we saw from the Most Recent Gaming Update we’re trying to add to what the Gaming Office does and what we offer. After a little bit of thought and some consideration I have created the first Gaming Office Survey to gather the thoughts of the Fleet. This survey […]
Michael Ryder
Gaming Updates – May 2021
We're going to continue the Game Nights. Our Deputy Gaming Officer, DarthCrusader, is going to lead another gaming night in STO on June 19th with a focus on the Klingons. The KDF base has some major projects that need Fleet Marks, and this would be a great way to get some exercise on those characters. Sharpen your bat'leths, folks, because June 19th is going to be fun. Be ready at 7 PM Eastern/4 PM Pacific.
Task Force 86 May/June 2021 Report
Stationed The promenade on Starbase 86 was alive. Travelers poured from docked transports into the bustling throng. Hawkers, restaurateurs, officials, priests and all manner of ship’s personnel milled in and around each multi-tiered walkway. Market stalls formed a thin line along the length of the promenade’s bottom level. Humanoids jostled with tentacled Glexians selling lemtret […]
Fleet CommandReportsTask Force 86
Felrak Vordenna
TF72 April 2021 Report
“A Line in the Sand” Following the Archanis Campaign, Task Force 72 had been busy picking up the diplomatic pieces strewn around the galaxy by the conflict. Starfleet’s swift response had been lauded internally and had given the Federation’s enemies pause, but there were now real concerns about the safety of the Federation’s frontiers. One […]
ReportsTask Force 72
Thomas Belvedere