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Fleet Command Report: A new Admiral of the Fleet

November 24, 2021

To the members of Bravo Fleet:

I’ll keep this one short, I promise. First, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the part of the world who celebrates in late November. Eat until you can’t eat any more.

Recently I convened a meeting of the Small Council Senior Staff, minus one person. Something I had been thinking about for a while now seemed like it was time to really talk through and work out. As everyone knows I am a big supporter of our rank and award systems for rewarding our members for work they’ve done with the fleet. Our way of saying thank you. I’ve also been thinking about how everything should be reasonably achievable within their given tier. One thing wasn’t: the rank of Fleet Admiral, which was reserved only for the BFCO. I felt that it was time to change. From that discussion with the Senior Staff, we’ve adjusted the policy so that the rank of Fleet Admiral is achievable to any member, but tiered it so that it would be comparable to the Medal of Honor. Still a reward that takes an incredible amount of dedication. The requirement for Fleet Admiral is now:

Persons currently or previously holding the position of Bravo Fleet Commanding Officer will hold the rank of Fleet Admiral. Other persons nominated by the BFCO with the assent of 2/3rds of the Department Heads shall also be eligible for the rank of Fleet Admiral.

And of course, I had something in mind for that adjustment. Since day one I’ve returned one person has been right next to me in every single discussion (except maybe this one!), policy decision, and be an equally guiding hand in Bravo Fleet. I think it’s fair to say I’ve had a co-BFCO, and it’s been a wonderful experience. Because of that, I think I’ll let the short, but to the point unanimously decided promotion recommendation speaks for itself:

When Bravo Fleet embarked on its long journey to where it is today just a few short years ago, Emily was given the rank of Admiral as the sitting BFXO. It is extremely easy to say that she has more than earned that rank multiple times over since. But she will no longer be an Admiral after today.

Many people are aware of Emily’s contributions to the infrastructure of Bravo Fleet. Quite simply, BF wouldn’t be where it is today at the top of its game without her contributions in that realm, and many were highlighted in her Medal of Honor from April of 2020. She’s continued on that path refining BFMS, upgrading the wiki, creating new systems. Her most recent accomplishment, integrated writing in BFMS, has been used by just about everyone in the fleet by now.

What most people aren’t aware of is that quite literally any policy, procedure, project… literally anything we do in Bravo Fleet, Emily has hands in. I can’t even go through and list all of it because it can just be summed up as “everything”.

Emily has been as close to a co-BFCO as I’ve ever had while I’ve held this position. For that, I am immensely grateful for all that she does. I know I speak on behalf of all of Bravo Fleet when I say this is well earned, and congratulations Fleet Admiral!