A lot of our work in the Internet Office is to improve services and activities offered by other departments, so it isn’t often that we get to make an announcement about new changes! We’ve done a lot of work to BFMS over the past few months and I’m happy to say that we’re continuing to flesh out parts of the system!
Today we released a major update to BFMS-based roleplaying games. We now have a built-in application system, allowing members to apply for RPGs directly though BFMS. We’ve also made the process of accepting new members much easier for our Game Managers. When approving an application, all a GM has to do is press a button and their game’s manifest will be updated with their new member! It’ll also update the character so players won’t have to worry about changing their character’s status and assigning it to the correct command.
We’re working hard to bring many of our WordPress back-end functions over to the front-end of the website. This allows us to expand functionality and hopefully provide a better experience for everyone!
Player Application Form
The new player application form allows members to apply for RPGs directly through BFMS. You’ll have a list of current open positions and an option to use one of your characters from BFMS.

Application Review
The new application review page allows game managers to approve or deny players through BFMS. If approved, the character will be automatically updated and assigned to the command.