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OCS: Recruitment – Update!

December 5, 2021

Hello everyone!

I am happy to announce that our recruitment drive for the Office of the Chief of Staff has now concluded. Thank you to everyone who applied and who offered to help out. I really do appreciate everyone’s time and effort in doing these. It was great to see who was eager to help keep our great community thriving, however having a huge team in OCS is not always practical. After careful consideration, I am happy to share that for now I have decided to shortlist two applicants who I think will make great contributions to what we get up to behind the scenes in Bravo Fleet.

Without further delay, I can confirm that Dave P and Dean will be joining Arden and myself on the OCS team as Staff Assistants. Both of them will bring a range of experience and time to ensure the OCS continues to serve Bravo Fleet well.

Originally I did advertise for a new Deputy Chief of Staff, but for now we won’t have one. I am hoping that I can train someone internally and have an announcement in the new year about this.

In the meantime, a big thank you to those who have become mentors to our new members. Please remember if you think you are eligible and would love to support the latest additions to Bravo Fleet’s family, do get in touch with me via Discord!

Finally, once Operation: Homestead is complete we have had a few competitions submitted to the OCS for review that will start shortly to keep everyone amused over the coming holiday season. Watch this space for more info!

Thanks Bravo Fleet!