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The galaxy is changed, we see it in the pulsars, we feel it in the solar winds, we taste it in the blood wine at B’Aar. Since our last report...
Hello Bravo Fleet! Your Friendly Neighborhood Operations Officer here with a quick update! So far, we've received five applications—which is...
Fiction Writing
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Roleplaying Games
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Writing Sandboxes
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Task Force 17
Deep Space Operations
Task Force 21
Frontier Operations
Task Force 47
Pathfinding Operations
Task Force 72
Diplomatic Operations
Task Force 86
Border Operations
Task Force 93
Humanitarian Operations
Read the latest announcements from our staff about upcoming events, updates on our community, and more!
Fleet Command Report: A new Admiral of the Fleet
To the members of Bravo Fleet: I’ll keep this one short, I promise. First, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the part of the world who celebrates in late November. Eat until you can’t eat any more. Recently I convened a meeting of the Small Council Senior Staff, minus one person. Something I had been thinking […]
Fleet CommandOffice of the Chief of StaffPromotions
Teylas Ramar
There be Vice Admirals here!
Members of Bravo Fleet: Please congratulate our two newest (and first!) Vice Admirals: Vice Admiral Alexander Beckett Rear Admiral Alexander Beckett, Cath, or LadyBlue, as most people know her, has been an integral part of the Bravo Fleet community for many years. But her most recent tenure in the fleet has been one marked with […]
Fleet CommandPromotions
Fleet Action Phase II Battlefield Promotions
Good day, Bravo Fleet! I’m happy to announce the battlefield promotions for Phase II of the Echoes of the Tkon Fleet Action! Phase II was definitely a notch up on difficulty, and we had lots of entries this phase as well! I can’t tell you guys how happy it makes me that everyone has been […]
New Years Report: Promotions, Awards, and a look back!
Happy New Year members of Bravo Fleet! Over the past year, Bravo Fleet has gone through a major transformation. For the first time in over 20 years, we’ve fundamentally changed our group, what we offer, and how we interact. No longer is Bravo Fleet merely a “sim group” as all the other Trek organizations are. […]
Promotions Abound!
One of the best parts of the new model that Bravo Fleet follows is that we have user ranks. This is one of my favorite things because it allows leaders in Bravo Fleet to promote members and say really great things about them! And while it is the responsibility of the BFA to award members […]
New Sim, Promotion, and Tweaks
Welcome all – the items herein could simply not wait for the next TF64 report. I am excited to announce a new sim, a promotion, and a few tweaks to the TF64 structure. Welcome Ochoa We wanted to welcome the USS Ochoa NCC-1236 (game info | website), a Hernandez-class deep space explorer set in the Discovery era. […]
PromotionsTask Force 64
TF9 – Change in Leadership
Greetings! It is my great pleasure to announce the promotion of Nate, CO of the USS Proxima, to the role of Task Force Executive Officer. Nate has shown great interest in helping develop the task force canon, and has shown steady progression and leadership skills since taking over the center seat on the Proxima. […]
PromotionsTask Force 9
Promotion of LtCol Reius Rothschild to Colonel
HQ TF93 SPECIAL ORDER – 20180708 Effective immediately, LtCol Rothschild, Task Group Commanding Officer – Bastet, is hereby promoted to the rank of Colonel. Yewande Banda, RADM, SF Commanding Officer, Task Force 93 OOC: Congratulations to Reius/Rothschild on his promotion. I wanted to make a separate announcement as the TGCO position is largely OOC and […]
PromotionsTask Force 93
Yewande Banda
New COs Appointed to USS Devonshire & USS Ascension; Promotion Announcements; May O&I Brief Transcript
Fellow Commanders and crew of TF93, Please join me in welcoming the new Commanding Officers for the USS Devonshire and USS Ascension. The USS Devonshire is now under the command of CDR Francheszka Braxton (former Devonshire XO) due to the extended leave of CAPT Wilcox as he takes care of family affairs following the destruction at XFY. She has a quick […]
A New Adjutant
Congratulations to JL Galloway who has just became Task Force 99’s new Command Adjutant. His character, Captain Dom Martinez, is hereby promoted to the rank of Commodore. Congratulations!
PromotionsTask Force 99
And the New TFXO is…
As you all are aware, Beaver decided to step down from the position of Task Force Executive Officer a few days ago as he plans to focus purely on writing. I certainly understand his position and am more thankful that he is still with us here in 72. Thankfully, the position is no longer vacant. […]
PromotionsTask Force 72
Rear Admiral Michael Aravan becomes Task Force Commanding Officer of Task Force 99 and RisaXSeph becomes the new Task Force Executive Officer for Task Force 99.
Fleet CommandPromotionsTask Force 99