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OCS: Recruitment

November 20, 2021

Hello everyone!

The Office of the Chief of Staff is having a recruitment drive to expand our team and I am looking to have a staff who are able to help manage one of the many busiest departments in our great community. 

The OCS is in need for someone to become Bravo Fleet’s new Deputy Chief of Staff and those who wish to become Staff Assistants in helping out with the daily work that takes place in the OCS. 

These people need to understand that these positions are not just about pushing buttons or quickly reading over recommendations for promotions and awards. You need to understand and show that you care about doing the best by our community when we recognise them for their contributions. We do this by taking time to read recommendations, check they meet requirements and ensure that before anything is shared publicly anyone else who can contribute does contribute. 

And it is not just about awards and promotions, it’s about supporting those who wish to submit a competition for everyone to be involved with. Ensuring the links work, the rules are clear and how the competition will be managed makes sense. It’s also about head-hunting those who could be good mentors for our junior members. It’s also assisting with maintaining our membership roster, so we know who is active with us and who is on our reserve list. 

There is so much to do and joining the OCS you get to see a lot of the ‘behind the scenes’ of how we support our members. I want a team that becomes a well-oiled machine and that shares the workload on a regular basis. 

If you think you have the experience, energy and, most importantly, the time to commit to the OCS in these roles then please fill out the application form here and/or DM me on Discord. Being familiar with the OCS policy and linked guidelines is top priority as well. Reading is important!

To be considered for Deputy Chief of Staff, then you to be someone who has been in Bravo Fleet for a considerable amount of time and you show a high level of sustained activity. 

Deadline for applications is Saturday 4th December 2021.

I look forward to hearing from any interested candidates!