Part of USS Odyssey: Into The Jaws of Death, Into The Mouth of Hell and Bravo Fleet: Blood Dilithium

At Wit’s End

USS Odyssey (NCC-80000) Gradin Belt, Delta Quadrant
Stardate: 77838.34
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Feeling the intense glare from Lieutenant Keli burying into the back of his head, Commander Hunsen remained still like a statue among the security officers that surrounded him and the others that had been relieved. That said, he could also sense the strong desire to move quickly to save the Brenari refugee convoy. The tremendous sensation was something he could not ignore or shake off. He knew he was right and could hear the others thinking the same. 

*We cannot allow the captain to continue ignoring those refugees.* T’Rani said telepathically to them all. 

Hunsen turned his head towards the Vulcan woman, keeping his expression neutral to avoid tipping their hat to the security team that something was up. *I agree, but what?* He countered back with. 

*We need to proceed with Plan B.* Flemen said.

*Is Tierra in place?* Samris checked. 

Hunsen closed his eyes and reached out to his deputy while taking a deep breath. At that moment, she heard him, and seconds later, the red alert klaxon went off. That was the signal for everyone to begin Plan B. 

Upon hearing the alarm go off, Keli was about to tap her combadge but instead had to react to the quick rush from the officers she had been escorting. Hunsen, Flemen and Samris had all knocked out her other security guards, while Jisaraa had raised her rifle and turned against her comrades and fired her phaser. Jisaraa had not aimed her weapon at those attacking; instead, she had stunned her fellow security officers. Unable to understand what her friend was doing, Keli failed to do anything. T’Rani launched herself at the deputy security chief and took her out with a Vulcan nerve pinch. Keli fell into the pilot’s arms in a semi-unconscious state. Straight away, T’Rani started to meld with the Coridanite woman. Whispering the phrases of words that would connect them on a cognitive level, Keli could not resist the powerful mental intrusion. Eventually, she surrendered and was overcome with the sensation of absolute relief and ecstasy. Her mind felt like it had been relieved of every single burden, and there was no longer a mist of confusion around anything. Pure clarity filled her thoughts, and as she opened her eyes, a smile crept across her face, and she knew what she had to do. T’Rani helped lift her up. She watched as the Vulcan proceeded to do the same mind meld to the other security officers that had been stunned just before Jisaraa walked over. 

“How do you feel, Keli?” The Orion asked her. 

 Still smiling, Keli replied. “Liberated,” She blinked and turned to Hunsen. “What are your orders, sir?”

Hunsen smirked at hearing the compliance from the deputy security and tactical officer. “We need to take control of the ship.”

“The captain won’t make it easy,” Flemen said. “He has support from the others.”

“Oh, I’m sure we can make him step down,” Hunsen said before he ordered the turbolift to redirect itself towards deck two, section seventeen.

Samris looked at Hunsen, “Deck two, section seventeen is the location of the captain’s quarters. What is there to help us?”

“Not what, but who,” Hunsen answered just as T’Rani finished bringing the others around to their way of thinking. He tapped his combadge, “Hunsen to Lenjir, Cline, are you there?”

“Lenjir here; I hear you, sir, perfectly. Captain Nictoles has been able to make me understand what is needed.” Lenjir said in a confident tone over the intercom.

“Good; proceed to guest quarters and make sure our Brenari brethren are ready to help us,” Hunsen ordered.

“Understood,” Lenjir replied before the channel was closed.

The doors to the turbolift opened as it arrived at its destination. As the others were all handed type two phasers, the entire team left the cart and made their way towards the captain’s quarters to proceed to their next plan. 

With the sudden red alert being sounded and the internal communications going down, Captain McCallister stormed out of his ready room to find out what was happening. 

“Lieutenant Tierra raised the alarm,” Jen reported, “and the computer shows the intermix chamber is fluctuating with its levels. We could end up with a warp core breach, sir.”

“Did this fluctuating have anything to do with the intercom going down?” McCallister asked as he moved to stand behind Jen at ops. 

The joined Trill shook his head, “I can’t see how sir; our logs aren’t showing any correlation between them. However, I am being blocked out by the computer from accessing the diagnostics needed to determine the issue with the internal comms.” 

McCallister was about to issue further commands to secure the situation, but Court interrupted. “Sir,” The enlisted chief said from the helm, “helm control is sluggish; I’m having problems with the impulse engines and thruster control.”

 Looking over to his right, McCallister could see that anything that Court tried to input was being blocked. 

“Chief, I’m reading an EM surge in your console. Get away from there.” Jen called out.

Reacting as quick as a bolt of lightning, Court jumped from his chair just as the helm circuits overloaded. As Court moved, he screamed out as one of the electrical surges hit him in his left shoulder. 

“TOBIAS!” Duncan shouted from where he was in his chair before darting across the bridge to see to his husband.

McCallister had dropped down to help Court as well, “Tobi, you okay?” He asked. 

The chief just nodded and kept his hand where the surge had hit him, his uniform was ripped where the surge had hit him, and his injury could be seen. 

Duncan brought a medkit with him and immediately started to do first aid on his husband after scanning him. “What the hell is happening?” 

The turbolift doors opened, and Counsellor Horin stepped out with Doctor Forbes with her. “I think we can answer that, Max.” 

Seconds later, Doctor Forbes was treating Court while helping Horin brief the captain on what they had discovered about the others. “Tomaz and Slyvexs have gone to engineering to find out what is happening.”

“I don’t understand why they would fake a possible core breach?” Duncan asked as he helped hold his husband up while Forbes treated him.

Jen then realised why they would do that. “The moment a red alert is called, all non-essential personnel are expected to return to their quarters while the crew proceed to their stations. The only red alert that Tierra is authorised to raise is one where the core would breach.”

“So by getting everyone to their quarters, taking control over the ship would be easier for them,” Banfield said as she joined the others in the middle of the bridge. 

McCallister placed his arms across his chest. “That’s clever, but I’m not prepared to give them any more chance of assuming control of this vessel.” He looked at Jen, “Lukiz, use the backup engineering sensors used in emergency situations to determine the status of the intermix chamber.”

Jen nodded and undertook his orders. A second or two later, he winced before speaking up, “Our gut instinct that it was a fake breach is confirmed. Readings from the plasma injectors were simulated to appear there was an overload in process.”

“Which then makes the computer think a breach is a possibility, and then a red alert can be called,” McCallister stated. “Okay, and I bet if you check those same sensors, almost the same approach was used to create an overload in the helm controls.”

Jen checked and then nodded. “The order came from engineering.”

“Computer, this is Captain James Preston McCallister; rescind all command and security clearances to Commander Hunsen, Lieutenant Commanders T’Rani and Flemen and Lieutenant Samris and Tierra, authorisation McCallister-Four-Seven-Alpha-Tango.”


“Will that be enough to stop them?” Banfield asked.

“It’s a start,” McCallister answered, “We just need to know what the hell they are up to.”

After Court was treated, Duncan helped his husband back to his feet, “Surely with them in custody, they wouldn’t be able to do anything.”

“I wouldn’t count on it,” Horin stated. “If others have been affected and their inhibitors are offline, we don’t who else is helping them now.”

Forbes nodded in agreement as he tidied up the medkit. “If they’ve disabled their cortical inhibitors and this neurogenic field is having some sort of effect on them, we can’t be sure what they are thinking or doing. The mix of the effects from the blood dilithium won’t be helping either.”

“Let me see if I can track the location of this neurogenic field,” Banfield said as she headed back to her science station, “Remi, I’d need your help,” She added, gesturing for the doctor to join her. 

“We should get a team down to engineering to support Tomaz and Slyvexs,” Duncan suggested. “We don’t know what Tierra has done; they might be walking into a trap.”

“Agreed-” McCallister started to talk when every single console and station on the bridge fluctuated with power. The captain paused mid-sentence and looked over to Jen, “Lukiz, what the hell is happening now?”

“Someone is trying to undertake a crude attempt of rerouting bridge controls to engineering,” Jen reported as his fingertips were dancing over his console fast. “I’m struggling to block them out.”

Getting frustrated at this situation, McCallister spoke to the computer again. “Computer, deactivate all command functions and encrypt the main computer core with a level ten fractural encryption lockout, authorisation McCallister-Four-Seven-Alpha-Tango.”

“All command functions suspended. Fractal encryption lockout engaged.” 

Every console was then deactivated. 

“That should stop Tierra,” McCallister said. 

“But if she has others who can help her, then we may not know how long the lockout will last,” Horin stated. 

“I almost got a fix on the neurogenic field’s location,” Banfield announced, “if I can get to astrometrics or stellar cartography, I might be able to complete the scan.”

“Won’t another scan improve the chance of the Devore detecting us?” Court asked with concern from where he now sat in the tertiary command chair, still rubbing his treated left shoulder.

“It would,” Banfield confirmed. “But do we have any other choice? We need to know what is happening to some of our crew.”

“Corella is right,” Duncan agreed with the science officer. “We’re operating in the blind now; we should head to engineering, stop Tierra and then secure the rest of the ship before anyone else has any other stupid ideas about taking over.”

“Are we really at the point where we’ve got a mutiny on our hands?” Jen asked for clarity.

“Unfortunately, I think we have, Lukiz,” Court said.

Everyone turned to the captain, who gave a silent nod in agreement. “If that’s the case, we need a backup plan.”

“In case we fall victim to the neurogenic field?” Horin questioned.

Forbes stepped forward from being by Banfield’s side, “We can’t determine how strong this field may get and who else it may affect. We may not be able to block it either, sir.”

“Then we should hand over what little control we have to Penelope and the rest of the Emergency Holographic Crew and then get them set up with mobile emitters,” Duncan proposed. “At least that way, they won’t be disabled if someone tries to take out the ship-wide holographic systems.”

“Good idea, Number One,” McCallister stated as he walked over to his chair and tapped underneath it, allowing a small hidden compartment to pop open. Within it was a mobile emitter cushioned in so it couldn’t move. “Computer briefly override lockout restrictions and activate the Emergency Command Hologram, authorisation McCallister-Four-Seven-Alpha-Tango.”

The holographic systems came to life, and Penelope appeared before her captain and first officer. “Please state the nature of the command emergency.”

“Computer, transfer the E-C-H to mobile emitter alpha-one,” McCallister ordered after taking the emitter out of its compartment and placing it on Penelope’s left arm. 

Penelope’s program fizzled for a second before transferring her to the mobile emitter. “I can’t seem to access any computer systems, and my command codes are being blocked. What’s happened, sir?”

“It’s a long story, Penelope, but it suffices to say we may have a mutiny on our hands, and if any of us here are incapacitated, it will be down to you to assume command and save the ship,” McCallister answered, “We can fill you in with the rest, but I am keen to retake back my ship and find out what the hell is happening to my crew.”

Penelope just nodded, and McCallister gestured for his crew to arm themselves with weapons before they left the bridge on their way to engineering. 

“I’m scared, Jordan,” S’Tem said as he held onto the cadet’s neck tightly, but not tight enough to strangle him.

“I know things seem scary, S’Tem, but I promise Alfie, and I will protect you,” Jordan said as they continued their climb down the Jefferies tube, making their descent to the captain’s private yacht.

“S’Tem, if you promise to remain brave for us, then we promise to take you to the holodeck and play a chapter of Flotter!” Alfie said from below.

Looking down, S’Tem smiled at that offer. “Okay, I will try.”

“Good man,” Alfie said as they approached an intersection and jumped off the ladder before heading to the access hatch. He stopped as he heard something that didn’t sound right. Jordan dropped down with S’Tem still holding on to him and gave Alfie a quizzing look, trying to understand what was happening. Placing his index finger up to his lips, showing Jordan to be quiet before suggesting with a simple hand motion he should get on the other side of the door, the cadet, for the first time, took out his phaser and raised it. He could hear phaser fire on the other side. Jordan put S’Tem down on the floor behind him and told him to be quiet and stay behind him before he took out his weapon. S’Tem clenched the leg of Jordan’s trousers, still scared about what was happening. 

The noise of the phaser fight ended, and the access hatch started to open as someone pulled it open. Both cadets aimed down, ready to fire on whoever was on the other side. One breath in, one breath out. They knew they could be in the wrong, but they had to defend themselves. 

Stumbling through, in a very dishevelled appearance, was Cadet Grant.

“Beatrice!” Alfie said with surprise as he lowered his weapon. “What are you doing here? Are you okay?”

Beatrice climbed through the hatch and, with a supporting hand from Alfie, pulled herself up. “Just about,” She pushed her roughed-up hair back down. “When the red alert went off, some of us started to head to stations to help out, and then those with cortical inhibitors went crazy and started attacking some of us. The group I was in got split up, and I ended up here after exchanging a phaser fight with Cadet Helenril.” She looked at Jordan and smiled at him. “Hey, Jordan,” She saw S’Tem behind him. “Hi, S’Tem.”

Jordan said nothing, but S’Tem jumped into his arms after waving at her.

“Why did they attack you?” Alfie asked.

Grant shrugged, “I have no idea.”

“Wait,” Jordan spoke, “Isn’t Helenril a Cairn? She’s telepathic.”

Confused by that statement, Grant looked at Jordan. “And?”  

“No, Jordan’s right. Something is happening to the telepathic members of the crew that Doctor Slyvexs has discovered.”

“Like what?” Grant asked.

“A neurogenic field,” Jordan answered.

“We’re heading to my dad’s yacht to set up an independent communication system for Commander Tomaz,” Alfie shared. “Come with us, Beatrice. Safety in numbers and all of that.”

“I’m all for that,” Grant responded. “I suppose you two aren’t on babysitting duties again?” She inclined her head to S’Tem.

Alfie chuckled, “Somewhat; Commander Tomaz is worried that S’Tem’s cortical inhibitor would be disabled.”

Still confused by the missing information she didn’t have, Grant gestured for them to get going. “Why don’t you both fill me in on what’s happened on our way to the yacht.”

“Sounds like a good idea,” Alfie said before he knelt down and opened the next ladder below them. “We’ve got a few more decks to climb down before we get to the yacht’s docking bay.”

“Well, I hope you both plan to claim this towards your daily exercise routine,” Grant said before Alfie started to lead them down. 

“I suppose we can,” Alfie replied before smiling up at Jordan, “We didn’t think of that.”

“I think protecting S’Tem was at the forefront of our minds,” Jordan remarked. 

“And I’ll say it again, you both are adorable for looking after him,” Grant stated as she followed Alfie down the ladder.

“Th-th-thanks,” Jordan stuttered before placing S’Tem on his back and following Grant down the tube. 

“You hold that rifle well,” Tomaz mentioned as they continued to walk down the corridor towards main engineering.

Giving out a snortle, Slyvexs smirked at the comment from her comrade.

“The Dominion War made me a soldier first before a doctor.”

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to offend you,” Tomaz said, worried.

Slyvexs shook her head, “I took it as a compliment, Tomaz,” She replied. “I’m not just a doctor, but quite the versatile officer.”

“Indeed,” Tomaz agreed.

As they approached what should have been engineering, they saw that the large isolation doors had come down and were in place. Lying by them were several engineers. Immediately, Slyvexs picked up her pace and knelt down beside them. All of them were unconscious. Scanning them with her medical tricorder, she checked their life signs. “They’re alive, but I can’t determine what’s knocked them out.”

“They don’t have any phaser marks on them,” Tomaz said, looking down briefly before checking their surroundings for possible aggressors. 

“I’m detecting a high amount of…” Slyvexs paused as she rechecked her readings, “this can’t be right.”

“What is it?” Tomaz asked, sounding curious as to what she had discovered. 

“Well, all of them are unconscious from being highly sexually active,” She remarked, “I’m detecting a high level of serotonin and dopamine along with increased hormone levels. Wait, there’s something more in their system,” She scanned them again and then looked up at him. “I’m detecting the Deltan pheromone used to attract a mate.”

“What?” Tomaz said, surprised to hear that. “Has Tierra used her Deltan abilities to knock them out cold?”

Slyvexs nodded as she took out her medkit, “It would appear so; I can only suspect that the effects of the blood dilithium have done it to her. Here take this,” She finished working on a hypospray, “This should block her from trying to do the same to us.”

Tomaz leaned his head to the side as he was injected with whatever potion that Slyvexs had mixed together.

“We need to get in there; I suggest we try the manual override,” He said. 

After injecting herself and checking her unconscious comrades one more time, Slyvexs agreed and put her medkit away again before picking up her phaser rifle. The two officers made their way over to the side entrance door. Slyvexs took over guard duty while Tomaz bent down to the hidden panel and pulled it off the bulkhead, revealing the main release. Tapping a few commands in, he inputted a few commands before standing up. 

“Ready?” He asked as he placed his hand around the switch he was about to pull.

Slyvexs just nodded as she raised her rifle towards the door. 

Yanking on the regulator, Tomaz was able to get the door to open with a simple hiss as the magnetic locks disengaged. Pushing the doors open, they both proceeded to enter engineering. 

With both phaser rifles held up high, the two officers entered engineering to find the entire engineer staff all lying on the floor unconscious in the same manner they found the others outside. Standing with her back to them at the ‘pool table’, Lieutenant Tierra was inputting various commands when she heard her visitors arrive. 

Before she could grab her weapon that was on the table, Slyvexs opened fire and hit the phaser. 

“Hands up, lieutenant!” Slyvexs shouted.

Impressed with the doctor’s aggressive side, Tomaz smirked to himself as they slowly approached her. “Do as she says, Tierra; we don’t want to hurt you.”

Raising her hands slowly, Tierra turned around to face the two senior officers and then took a breath before focusing her stare intently on Tomaz.

“Your Deltan pheromone trick won’t work on us,” Tomaz said with some satisfaction he could repel her advances. 

“The power of science,” Slyvexs said as she got within a few metres of the senior assistant chief engineer. “Now, what are you trying to do here, lieutenant?”

Tierra smirked at them, “You will know soon, but the captain is wrong.”

Shaking his head in disbelief at what he was hearing, Tomaz was about to say something when all of the consoles in engineering went off. “Looks like whatever you planned to do has been stopped.”

“No matter,” Tierra said. “What we’ve started will be finished in another way. We will save those Brenari ships, even if others on this vessel won’t.”

“Tierra, you are under the influence of not just the blood dilithium but a powerful neurogenic field. You are not thinking straight.” Slyvexs said.

“Oh, I’m fully aware of what I’m doing!” Tierra said with a smirk before rushing forward and pushing over Slyvexs against Tomaz. Quickly she pulled something out of her sleeve and looked at the two officers, “Always have something up your sleeve!” Showing them an emergency transporter unit, she then activated it. She was covered by a transporter beam that instantly took her out of engineering. 

“Damn!” Tomaz cursed as he got off the deck plating and helped Slyvexs up. 

“Where did she go?” The doctor asked as he picked up her rifle from the floor.

“We won’t know,” Tomaz answered as he headed to the warp core diagnosis console. “I need to check if the core is stable.”

Slyvexs joined him, and within a few seconds, they determined that whatever Tierra had done, she had faked the issue with the core. 

“Thank god, the core is stable,” Slyvexs remarked. 

“For now, but I’m assuming the captain is suspended all command functions,” Tomaz said as he failed to access some of the systems from the console he was using.

“He must have been forced to do so,” Slyvexs stated. 

“You’re exactly right, doctor,” Captain McCallister said as he rushed through the door, they had just used to come in by. 

Slyvexs and Tomaz turned around to see McCallister surrounded by a well-armed staff. 

“I take it you got the message?” Slyvexs asked her superior as they closed the distance between them. 

“Indeed, have you got any ideas on what the hell is going on doctor?” McCallister asked her. 

Shaking her head disappointedly, Slyvexs couldn’t tell him more. “All I know is our telepathic members of our crew are experiencing something that is producing this neurogenic field and causing them to behave in this manner.”

“We should locate it,” Banfield stated from behind the captain.

Slyvexs agreed with that idea. “I couldn’t agree more; I need to know what is causing all this.”

“First thing, though, we must suppress this uprise before we lose complete control of the ship,” Duncan stated by the captain’s side. 

“How do we track Tierra and the others?” Jen asked. “Without internal sensors and the computer lockout enabled, we’re relying on tricorders and searching one deck at a time.”

“We can’t do that; it would take us days, if not weeks, to search every area of the Odyssey.” Court commented. 

 “Captain, we’ve got another team on the move who could help us once they reach their target.” Tomaz offered.

“Of course!” Forbes said, remembering what Tomaz had organised back in sickbay. “The captain’s yacht!”

McCallister and the others, who had no idea what was going on, looked between Forbes, Tomaz, Horin and Slyvexs for more answers. 

“What do you mean about my yacht?” McCallister inquired.

“I sent Alfie and Jordan to it and attempt to use its systems to create an independent communication system,” Tomaz answered. 

“You did what with our sons?” Court asked, looking worried about hearing that. 

“Tomaz was right to send them,” Horin defended the Barzan, “they were our only option of getting the technical support we needed.” She looked at McCallister, “They also have S’Tem with them and are using the Jefferies tubes to get to it.”

McCallister considered what he was hearing for a second and then just nodded. “It’s a good idea; if they can do what you’ve sent them to do, then we could use the Calypso’s transporters and sensors.”

“So what do we do next?” Jen asked as he raised his rifle up and against his right shoulder. 

“We need to secure engineering-” McCallister started but then was stopped by hearing the sizzling sound of the holographic systems coming to life. 

The entire group turned around to face the projection forming before them. It was Hunsen with the others standing by him. 

“Good try, captain, in locking out all of the systems; you forget that the holographic emergency systems are independent.” Hunsen bragged.

Stepping forward, McCallister looked at his chief engineer and straight away could see that Hunsen was not the usual man he knew. “Tremt, what the hell are you trying to do?”

“I’m ensuring you don’t ignore a call for help!” Hunsen exclaimed as he pointed his finger at McCallister. 

Horin then stepped forward, “Imzadi, this is crazy. Surely you could feel and sense that.”

Shaking his head, the holographic projection of Hunsen showed he wasn’t going to listen to his love. “Imzadi, I don’t know what lies he has fed you, but turn off your cortical inhibitor and join us.”

“Absolutely not,” Horin said as she touched the device behind her left earlobe.

Hunsen growled at her, “Then you’re allowing him to prosecute every telepath on board just like the Devore does to the Brenari.”

Confused by his use of words, Horin shook her head. “I’m not confused, Tremt; you and everyone else are. There’s a neurogenic field in play here, along with the blood dilithium, which is affecting your judgements. Stand down and let Doctor Slyvexs help you.”

“Do not listen to her commander,” T’Rani said, stepping forward. “We are more enlightened than she and the others are.”

“Once we find them, we can ensure they are enlightened too,” Flemen suggested. 

“And then we can proceed with saving those innocent Brenari,” Samris added. 

McCallister shook his head. “I’m not placing this ship or crew in any more danger today. Do you understand that?”

Chuckling at hearing that, Hunsen shook his head. “It’s time you understood, captain, that you’re not in control of this situation now.” He nodded to Lenjir, Keli and Jisaraa, who were standing behind him. 

The security officers pushed three people forward beside Hunsen and aimed their weapons close to their heads.

“You bastards,” McCallister uttered as he watched Lenjir and Keli raise their phaser rifles at Henri and Theo. At the same time, Jisaraa had William in front of her. 

“How bloody dare you bring them into this,” Duncan spat out as he felt Court come close to his side and tightly grip his hand into his at the site of seeing their son being held as a hostage.

 “Tremt, what on Earth are you thinking?” Horin called out against her beloved. “Taking Theo, Henri and William hostage is not the type of thing the father of my future child would do.”

“I’m doing it for our future child,” Hunsen replied before looking back at McCallister. “What will it be, captain? Will you sacrifice your children for the greater good, or will you hand me over control of the Odyssey?”

“No!” Court shouted out.

Looking at the scared faces on his son’s faces, McCallister shook his head at the choices that faced him. He looked at both of them and mouthed the phrase, “I love you both”.

Henri and Theo were both tearing up as they held their hands up behind their heads. Both boys nodded at him.

Hunsen then raised his weapon at them, “Well, what will it be, captain?”

McCallister, unable to control his rage at the situation he found himself in now, looked at everyone else before turning back to Hunsen. “Alright, I’ll do it.” He replied. “Just don’t hurt my family,”

Hunsen smirked at winning. 

Everyone else looked at the captain, surprised at his given-in. Duncan and Court thanked him. 

“But if you hurt them, I promise you, Tremt, I will destroy this ship and won’t let you get your hands on it,” McCallister said. 

“Meet us on deck three, section twenty-one. You want them back, then you can surrender yourself to us and then we can unlock the ship from the bridge.”

Nodding, McCallister answered, “Fine, just don’t hurt my boys.”

Hunsen lowered his weapon. “I won’t.”  His holographic form then disappeared at the same time everyone else’s did. 

“Captain, you can’t give them control.” Tomaz quickly snapped. 

“Your son isn’t up there with a phaser rifle at his head,” Duncan barked back.

Banfield stepped in to help calm the situation down. “All of you have a right to be worried and concerned for the safety of Theo, Henri and William, but we can’t let Commander Hunsen force our hand here.”

 “Corella is right; we need to get control of this situation,” Slyvexs said, “Without anyone getting hurt.”

“Whatever is happening to our colleagues, they’re not in control of their actions. If that means I’ve got to break Starfleet rules to protect my sons and William, then I will,” McCallister said as he pushed back a tear. “I won’t lose Theo and Henri.”

“The captain is right,” Court supported him. 

“I’ll give myself over while the rest of you work out what is happening, so when I activate the command functions and release the lockout, we can move in and take back the ship,” McCallister said. 

“I’m coming with you,” Duncan insisted.

“No, you’re not, Max,” McCallister shot down his first officer. “If anything happens to me, then you need to assume command.”

“And if we all fail?” Forbes asked.

“Then the computer would recognise Doctor Slyvex’s authority to inform the computer that she has relieved the captain of command,” Tomaz said as he realised what the captain was thinking. 

Forbes looked at Tomaz, “Why would she do that?”

Slyvexs then put the pieces of the puzzle together, “Because the computer would automatically recognise Commander Duncan’s authority as the acting captain.”

“Which then gives him the clearance to carry out the captain’s threat to Hunsen.” Tomaz said.

Banfield looked at her captain, “You want us to activate the auto-destruct?”

McCallister nodded. “Yes, and then give the order to abandon ship. Program the escape pods to head to the Gaherey Sanctum and wait for rescue from Starfleet from there.” 

“Isn’t that a bit extreme?” Jen asked. 

McCallister shook his head. “As I said, we won’t lose the Odyssey to the Devore or anyone else. If we’re right and this neurogenic field is affecting the others, then who knows who is behind it, but I won’t allow Starfleet’s most advanced ship to fall into the wrong hands. Are we clear?” 

Looking at each of his officers before him, McCallister all got a nod of understanding from them. He looked at Duncan, “Number One, the ship is yours.” He handed him his rifle before heading towards the turbolift doors on the far side of the room.

“Wait!” Court cried out and he started to jog towards him. “I’m coming with you, there’s no way I’m letting my son and my godsons not have any protection when Hunsen releases them.”

McCallister had stopped in his tracks and looked at the chief. “Are you sure, Tobias?”

Court looked at his husband who just gave a supportive nod. “I am.” Court answered. 

McCallister smiled at Court, appreciating the gesture. Court had stood by his side for years as his yeoman, chief of the boat and godfather to his sons. “We’re counting on the rest of you to be ready.” McCallister called out as they entered the turbolift.

“We will!” Duncan replied just as the doors closed behind the captain and his husband. He then turned to the rest of the group.

“We will?” Tomaz checked, unsure of what their next step would be. 


  • Unknown Author

    Geez! Things are really heating up with those on the Odyssey, man that was a whirlwind of action and suspense! You have me curious as if they can retake control of the ship and help those that are affected. To force the Captain's hand like that with two of his boys and William was a bold move and can't wait to see what happens next!

    November 20, 2022
  • Hoo boy, this one got intense. Hunsen holding McCallister's children hostage is a pretty low point - it'll be curious to see if other people can get over that once this is all over (as well as, of course, Hunsen handling it). But it's a pretty solid backup plan McCallister has so long as Slyvex remains active on the Good Guys' side. And the ECH is still out there. Bunch of Chekhov's Guns on the walls in this chaotic situation!

    December 27, 2022