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Part of Bravo Fleet: Blood Dilithium

USS Odyssey: Into The Jaws of Death, Into The Mouth of Hell

From one danger to another, the crew of the Odyssey find themselves in the middle of with several surprise encounters in the Delta Quadrant.

Mission Description

While its goodwill tour of the Gradin Belt has continued, the Odyssey has also been exploring areas of space that others have not gone near. While mapping and exploring a patch of space with unusual properties, the crew encounter a sanctuary filled with refugees who have fled the Devore Imperium. Keen to be far away from this oppressive government, the refugees have settled on a Class M world in a star system that is surrounded by gaseous anomalies, radiation from supernova remnants and false vacuum fluctuations. It is the perfect place to keep their colony a secret. However when one of their transports is damaged after having to pass through Chaotic Space, Odyssey agrees to go and help them out, but events transpire out of control which places the ship and the colony at risk of being exposed. What’s more, a nearby anomaly only adds to the danger of allowing the Devore Imperium to find out what is happening. With time against him, Captain McCallister must deal with all of this as well as some of his crew becoming agitated with his command decisions in very uncharacteristic ways.

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11 December 2022

When All Is Said And Done

USS Odyssey: Into The Jaws of Death, Into The Mouth of Hell

Exhausted, drained and depleted, Lieutenant Commander Craigen Flemen entered his quarters and stifled a yawn. He had just completed his morning workout in one of the ship’s gyms and was keen to head into his sonic shower before making his way to the Auditorium for breakfast. Today was his first [...]

11 December 2022

Over Coffee, Over Time

USS Odyssey: Into The Jaws of Death, Into The Mouth of Hell

“Cadet McCallister, meet Cadet Vialen,” spoke Lieutenant Commander Sitark, “your new mentor for the upcoming semester.”  McCallister looked from his Vulcan instructor to his new mentor as they met outside one of the lecture halls. “A pleasure to meet you,” He said with his boyish [...]

11 December 2022

To Put A Final Lid On

USS Odyssey: Into The Jaws of Death, Into The Mouth of Hell

Gracefully and elegantly, the Telemachus dropped out of warp and gradually halted. Before, it was a planet that appeared to have a massive chunk of it ripped from its belly. Countless rocks now orbited around, but the one thing that stood out the most was the constant glow of the crimson crystals [...]

10 December 2022

Where You Belong, Home

USS Odyssey: Into The Jaws of Death, Into The Mouth of Hell

The senior staff briefing was lightly attended. With a good number of the senior officers all still resting in their quarters from the trauma sustained from the telepathic pitcher plant encounter, it was now down to those left to carry on.  “And that’s the plan,” Commander Duncan [...]