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Profile Overview

Tremt Hunsen

Betazoid Cisgender Man


Character Information

Rank & Address

Commander Hunsen


Executive Officer
USS Odyssey


Tremt Barrin Hunsen

3rd May 2361

Rixx, Betazed


Tremt Barrin Hunsen is a Starfleet officer and the current first officer of the USS Odyssey. Previously, he served in the same role on the USS Themis, and before that, he was the former chief engineer of the USS Odyssey; he has a wide range of skills. A pilot turned engineer, Hunsen is known for his solemn approach to engineering problems. In recent years, he has developed a reputation as one of Starfleet’s “miracle workers” due to his wide range of technical and engineering skills, experience and resourcefulness. Hunsen is also quite known in Betazoid society due to his family coming from one of the prestigious houses. He rarely shares this with others, as he avoids it becoming a label for him. He is, in fact, the de-facto head of the Eleventh House of Betazoid, a title rarely given to a man in Betazoid society.


With an almost square jawline, Tremt is quite a good-looking man for his age. His narrow and thin lips almost make it look like he is always serious, but he is known to have an attractive smile. As he got older, Tremt opted to grow a light beard. He was constantly told he looked babyface after leaving the academy. His sleek, almost shiny dark brown hair is sleeked back in a neatly combed style with a parting on one side. If it’s not this style, he sometimes opts for a close shave on both sides and a lot shorter on top. Though tall and broad on the shoulders, he does his best to maintain his build but is not a regular in the ship’s gym. The amount of exercise he does in his job through the heavy lifting of machinery or having to move through tight crawlspaces allows Tremt to keep himself physically active daily.

  • Height: 5′ 11″ (1.8 m)
  • Weight: 176 lbs
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Black


Though serious in his demeanour, once someone gets to know Tremt, he is a friendly kind of guy that can get on with most people. He has a wicked sense of humour that he only shares with his closest friends. Though his family is paramount to him, over the years, Tremt has learnt that his friends and comrades are just as crucial while serving in Starfleet. He is a fair, able and confident leader and is someone that many on Odyssey respect for his adaptability from being the ship’s pilot to its chief engineer. Tremt is very good at problem-solving, and though it seems he is rushing to solve a technical issue, the fact is he is confident with his skills and knowledge to perceive the problem ahead of time. He has developed this trait over the years and has tried to pass it on to the engineers he leads. 

Strengths & Weaknesses

Having an imaginative and creative nature helps Tremt develop innovative ideas and unique solutions during a crisis. His ability to quickly prioritise a range of problems to ensure the ship remains active is an attribute he has been commended for on many occasions. Though he is meticulous and precise in what he expects from his engineers on how the ship’s systems should be maintained, it does mean he is very careful and conscientious in ensuring everyone is safe. Tremt is someone who encourages those he leads to be proactive when an engineering solution is required. He prefers his staff to come with him with more than one solution to an issue, if possible. 

Tremt does his best to avoid sharing that he is the head of the Seventh House of Betazoid. Though he has come to terms with accepting his inheritance, it is something he does not publicly share or reminds others about. He is also very hard-working, and he will regularly take extra shifts to ensure any work that needs to be completed will be done. Trent enjoys undertaking projects, and when he is not working will sometimes be found tinkering with something in one of the engineering labs. To relax, he is known to be sometimes found in the Auditorium sharing a meal or drink with one of his friends. 


Being a chief engineer had always been Tremt’s dream position with Starfleet. As he has reached this, he only wants to remain in it and see his career staying this way. That said, he has considered becoming an engineering professor later in life or just retiring completely and enjoying a carefree life on Mellstoxx III, where the Seventh House has an estate.


Political Information

      • Affiliation: Starfleet, United Federation of Planets


      • Mother: Jaxerlynne Hunsen, Civilian (deceased)
      • Father: Lonald Hunsen, Civilian (deceased)
      • Imzadi: Louwanna Horin, Starfleet Captain of the USS Odyssey (NCC-80000)
      • Son: Eddim Horin


Early Life

Born in Rixx, the capital city of Betazed, in 2361, Tremt came from the Seventh House of Betazed. Coming from one of the influential and wealthiest families of Betazed, Tremt would, later on, come to resent his parents for not being actively involved in his childhood and teenage years. Both of his parents held high offices in the Betazed government, and when he saw them, it was usually involved in some sort of function or event closely linked to their political lives. As head of the household, Tremt’s mother soon discovered she could not have children after Tremt. This resulted in her becoming quite insufferable with her approach to him. Referring to him as her “little prince”, her extravagant and over-the-top mannerisms rivalled many other women who held high positions within Betazoid society. By the time he was a teenager, he was eager to attend the Cataria Boarding School for Boys. Rarely did he go home, except for a significant Betazoid holiday or when his parents needed him around to promote their family at a political event. While at Cataria School, he excelled in all areas of the curriculum and extra-curricular.

Unfortunately for Betazed, the planet was invaded and occupied during the Dominion War. Many Betazoids, especially those members of the bigger houses, were either captured or went into hiding. Due to his parents holding such an important position with the Betazoid government, to protect Tremt, his headmaster altered his surname on official documents and informed the occupying force that Tremt was his own son. The school was left alone for most of the four months of the occupation; however, many faculty members were taken to nearby slave camps. Eventually, Starfleet liberated the planet from Dominion forces. The cost of the liberation was a high one for the Betazoids. As they had used their telepathic abilities to overwhelm the Jem’Hadar, this ended up killing or hurting over forty percent of the general Betazed population. Sadly for Tremt, both his parents gave their lives to aiding the Betazed resistance movement in this act. As a result, Tremt automatically received the title of Son of the Seventh House, holder of the Blessed Sceptre of Rixx, and heir to the Divine Regal Sword of Betazed. His family heirlooms were recovered from his parents’ large estate and sent to him at Cataria. Instead of returning home to conduct the Right of Appointment to his new title, he decided to remain at the school to conclude his studies. After many years of hating his parents for not always putting him first, he started to change his thoughts and feelings about them after their sacrifice. He began reflecting on his childhood and perceiving his parents differently.

In his senior years, he was voted Head Boy by his peers and would go on to captain the school’s swimming, diving, fencing and archery teams. He was also an athletic team member, winning the Azure Peaks marathon. Not only did he engage with sports, but he also also joined the science, computing and maths club – something he strangely enjoyed most of his time at Cataria School. Between all of this and his studies, he used his position as Head Boy to run charity events to raise funds and awareness of those on Betazed. They were either homeless or had suffered significant losses because of the occupation. When he graduated, he decided to apply to Starfleet Academy as he felt he could do more work being part of the forces that saved his people from long-term Dominion rules. Nevertheless, before he left for Earth, he undertook the Right of Appointment to become the head of the Seventh House of Betazed.

Starfleet Career

Early Career

Entering Starfleet Academy, Tremt was unsure what field of specialism he wanted to join. He knew he didn’t want to do anything with the sciences, and eventually, he decided to opt for starship piloting with engineering specialism. During his first and second years, he was successful in his academics and in his third year, due to his test scores, he was offered to join Red Squad (the Academy’s elite training unit). Initially, he accepted, especially as many of his instructors had insisted that since the USS Valiant disaster, several new protocols were implemented to prevent Red Squad cadets from being overwhelmed or developing arrogant attitudes. A year on, the Squad and Tremt placed a request to leave it. He hated that even though his teachers worked hard to prevent mindsets of superiority and overconfidence from appearing on the teams, his peers were egotistical behind the scenes. It reminded him too much of the events he would be forced to attend as a child with his parents. He impressed several of his instructors and professors by walking away from Red Squad for his last year. He wasn’t the only one; as such, his actions (as well as his other fellow cadets) resulted in several reviews and changes taking place in the Academy system.

USS Triton (NCC-80106)

When the Luna-class starship USS Triton was looking for a new crew in 2382, Hunsen applied to join the ship’s flight control department as chief shuttlecraft pilot. A year later, when Captain Evelynn Vangelos saw how much of a natural pilot he was, Hunsen was made the flight control officer for the gamma shift. Tremt would remain in this position for the next three years. By the end of 2386 was eventually promoted to lieutenant junior grade and made assistant chief flight control officer by Vangelos’ successor, Captain James McCallister.

When he wasn’t flying the ship, he was assisting in main engineering, continuing his passion for the technical side of life. He would often help in engineering with a problem or with repairs. He and the assistant chief engineer developed a good friendship.

USS Odyssey (NX-80000)

After the Triton was heavily damaged in a mission to save the Federation colony on Kovar and Deep Space 19, Captain McCallister was ordered to take command of the brand-new prototype ship, USS Odyssey. McCallister brought most of the Triton’s crew with him with his transfer. He chose to bring Hunsen along with the rank promotion to lieutenant to be the ship’s chief flight control officer.

Until 2388, Hunsen flew the newest ship that Starfleet had to offer and enjoyed every moment of getting to know how she worked. When he could, Hunsen would work on the ship’s range of auxiliary crafts to improve them to the best of their abilities. In fact, he would spend most of his time working on the ship’s support craft, the Aquarius. Unfortunately, Hunsen was on board the Aquarius during its fateful mission when it was attempting to flee from an ion storm. The ship ended up crash landing on a moon and was buried within several caverns. Odyssey lost its chief engineer and Hunsen’s best friend during this mission. He wasn’t the only one who died during this mission; seven others did not survive the crash. Hunsen was left as the senior-most officer and somehow maintained the ship’s systems long enough for Odyssey to find them and rescue them from their hellhole.

After his return to the ship, Hunsen became quite distracted in his duties with survivors’ guilt. He spent some time counselling to deal with the loss of his friend and those under his command. Through this time, he and Counsellor Duncan became close friends.

Being quite the model officer, Hunsen was asked by McCallister to join him on his one-year mission patrolling the Cardassian-Romulan border during their conflict in 2388-2389. Hunsen agreed, feeling that he needed the break from the ship.

USS Avenger (NCC-74206)

Expecting to be flying the ship, Hunsen was not expecting to have the captain request that he be made his first officer during this mission. McCallister became quite the mentor for Hunsen; they even shared their passion for starship systems. Spending some of their off-duty time undertaking work on the older Defiant-class ship. Ultimately the mission was accomplished, and at the end of the year, McCallister asked Hunsen to return to the Odyssey with him as the ship’s chief engineer. It was a position that had not been filled, and McCallister felt that it would prove some closure for their pilot to assume the duties of his friend and honour him. Hunsen agreed and was promoted to lieutenant commander upon their return.

USS Odyssey (NCC-80000)

Returning to the Odyssey was at first daunting for the newly appointed chief engineer. Nevertheless, over the next decade, Hunsen established himself as quite the miracle worker and proved to McCallister he was the right person for the job. At the start of 2399, wanting to expand his wings further, he put a request to undertake the advanced bridge officer exam with his friend, Counsellor Duncan. Both men passed with flying colours and were promoted to commander. As Duncan would spend more time on the bridge than Hunsen, the engineer agreed to take on the role of the fourth officer. As the ship had such a large crew, responsibilities were shared among many of the senior staff for personnel matters.

Throughout 2399, Hunsen’s skills would be repeatedly put to the test. Thankfully he knew his ship well and would lead the engineering department extremely well in ensuring any repairs needed were completed well and ahead of schedule. His miracle worker legacy remained, especially after the ship was heavily damaged during the Archanis Campaign. When a Klingon ship rammed the Odyssey at the end of a tiresome battle, Hunsen’s team were almost overwhelmed by the damage the ship had sustained. Thankfully a nearby dry-dock facility was at hand, and they could work around the clock to get the ship restored to its former glory and battle-ready to undertake the final engagement with the House of D’Ghor.

Later, the ship received further upgrades as it prepared to head to the Delta Quadrant for its new deep space exploration assignment. The crowning achievement of Hunsen’s engineering career would be overseeing the installation of the ship’s new enhanced class nine warp drive. He became almost obsessed in the early days to ensure the core was constantly observed and there were no issues with it while the ship journeyed at higher speeds for extended periods. The ship’s first major mission in the Delta Quadrant was assisting the Uxali people in moving from their planet to a new home. Hunsen and his teams assisted them in adapting their own ships and systems so they could make the journey themselves. Subsequently, when they arrived at a new planet, Hunsen led the ship’s engineering contingent to help construct new shelters and power systems.  Again another successful project under the chief engineer’s belt only gave him further confidence in his abilities.

Being able to sort things out quickly became a trait for Hunsen, so when the captain ordered him to modify the ship’s Aquarius-class escort and the ship’s warp core, Hunsen did so quickly. Furthermore, he and Jen built a device for the captain they had never seen plans for, but their entire efforts were classified. Though he was intrigued by what had happened, Hunsen realised that whatever the captain was doing was super dangerous and chose not to get himself involved in the morals and ethics of everything.

Odyssey began exploring the Delta Hedalos Sector, a region of space in the Gradin Belt that had not been mapped before by Starfleet. While exploring an area called the Burbridge Cluster, the ship found an almost perfect M-class world named Outrè. While survey teams examined the planet, Hunsen was part of a group that discovered an underground alien settlement. Further investigation found that the original inhabitants had redesigned their world to attract the attention of the Tkon.  This finding began a new mission for the ship as it joined with every other ship in Starfleet to deal with the T’Kon crisis that was taking place on a galactic level. Though the mission lasted some time, the crew would transverse through a region of space filled with anomalies designed to slow them down. On the edge of this region, they rescued Professor Shu’varn, a Pendari scientist researching the area and the Tkon for over eight years. Several days into the region, they finally reached the centre to find a Tkon outpost guarded by a Tkon sentry known as Portal 117. Portal 117 was dying and was hoping the Federation ship could help it. Hunsen was part of the away team sent to investigate the outpost. However, he could not make heads or tails of the outpost’s technology in time to restore its systems. Unable to help fix something, Hunsen (along with everyone else on the planet) witnessed Portal 117’s death, and the outpost’s systems started to fail further. In a bold attempt, Shu’varn volunteered to take over the guardianship of the outpost. Hunsen attempted to warn the professors not to do so. It resulted in some of the away team being injured when Shu’varn did this, but his actions and self-sacrifice ensured the outpost was somehow eventually restored. It remained a secret to the rest of the galaxy. Working with Hunsen, the professor used the outpost’s powers to return the Odyssey to normal space.

Almost a month later, the ship resumed its exploration of the far edges of the Gradin Belt. The ship encountered an alien ark vessel, and most crew were kidnapped. Forced to live on the alien ark (known as the Quirennal) and care for the children it had kept in cryo stasis for a long time, Hunsen was given the role of being a mentor by the ship’s AI. During this time, he worked closely with Captain McCallister to create a plan for them to escape. The only issue they had to contend with was the ship’s advanced technology. Hunsen spent two months observing and attempting to understand what they were up against while all at the same time teaching the young people he had been given. Ultimately, the crew could escape, but the duress of being imprisoned affected many of them, Hunsen being one of them. 

Upon their return to Federation territory, the ship was placed into repair at Starbase Bravo while everyone was debriefed and received counselling. The person leading this was Hunsen’s former Imzadi, Louwanna Horin. The two had been betrothed at a young age but had never formalised the arrangement after Hunsen’s parents had died during the Dominion occupation of Betazed. Initially, the two were happy to rekindle their friendship; however, their romance soon blossomed. It developed even further when Horin was assigned to the Odyssey. The two had decided to take things slowly; however, they were keen to pick up from where they had left off when they were cadets.  

While at the Mellstoxx system, a massive ion storm hit the nearby Paulson Nebula. Every ship was called upon to assist with evacuation and help those in danger. Ordered back to the ship, the crew headed into the nebula to assist. The ship was almost complete with its repairs, which presented quite the challenge for Hunsen and his department during this perilous mission. The Odyssey was hit by a chronokinetic surge from a subspace rift, and the entire ship was shattered into hundreds of different timeframes. In the alternate future, it was revealed that Hunsen died while trying to save the ship. The surge had interacted with the ship’s warp core and had sent out a chronokinetic bolt, killing Hunsenjust as he had prepared the ejection system. Dying in the arms of Horin, his last breath was ordering her to eject the warp core at once. Ultimately his crewmates reversed the damage sustained to the ship and restored it to its proper timeline. Being able to prevent the surge from hitting the ship resulted in Hunsen surviving the ordeal. Once the vessel had returned to Starbase Bravo, the chief engineer, along with every other crew member involved in the various time travelling incidents to restore the ship, was debriefed by the Department of Temporal Investigations. Furthermore, they were required by the Temporal Prime Directive to keep what happened to them a secret to avoid any further temporal paradoxes from occurring.  Though he was not involved in the paradox, Hunsen was briefed about what had happened and what could happen. He was involved in helping install systems to help those in a possible alternate future deal with the paradox when it occurred in their timelines. Knowing that he had cheated death was a chilling thought for the chief engineer; as a result, he only got closer to Horin. 

Before long, the ship was sent into the Velorum Sector to deal with another crisis. After the collapse of the remains of the Romulan Star Empire, the Federation was requested by the provisional government to aid in rebuilding efforts. Sent to help the Romulan colony of Vorash, the crew uncovered a Tal Shiar plot to destroy the settlement. Thankfully, the ship had helped establish it over a decade ago, so they had a somewhat familiar knowledge of its inhabitants. Hunsen led a number of repair teams to assist in getting the colony’s power infrastructure operational again along with other systems, including its weather control systems. During this event, Hunsen and several others were kidnapped by the settlement’s Reman population. At the time, they believed the Federation was working against them to destroy their world. His strong bond with Horin assisted the rescue efforts, and it wasn’t long before the ship’s Hazard Teams were sent to retrieve their missing shipmates. 

Two months later, the ship was back in the Delta Quadrant, exploring the Gradin Belt again. While undertaking routine exploration work, Hunsen discovered he would become a father when Horin found out she was pregnant.

Before the end of 2400, the ship was involved in the Blood Dilithium crisis that affected the Gradin Belt of the Delta Quadrant. At the time, the Odyssey had been helping Brenari refugees settle on a secret colony that others of their own race had established. Tremt was involved in working alongside the Brenari and being a telepath found interacting with the Brenari a fascinating experience. When the ship went to help others nearby, the crew was affected by the sudden appearance of Blood Dilithum fragments. Hunsen would later be found out to be one of the first crewmembers who showed signs of the effect this new crystal had on telepaths. Without knowing, the telepathic members of the crew were also being manipulated by a baby telepathic pitcher plant, who was injured by blood dilithium crystal. Hunsen and others, under the control of a neurogenic field from the bio-plasmic creature, ended up leading a mutiny against Captain McCallister when he refused to help what appeared to be a Brenari convoy of refugee ships being pursued by a Devore squadron. It would later turn out to be a ruse set up by the telepathic pitcher plant to get the Odyssey to assist it. Eventually, Captain McCallister and the others not affected were able to retake the ship but the impact of what happened during the mutiny and his interaction with the telepathic pitcher plant greatly affected Hunsen. He isolated himself from others who were trying to help as he hated the fact he had lost control and the actions he undertook while being manipulated disgusted him (he took the captain’s sons hostage, hit a fellow officer and tortured the captain for his command codes). Though others had forgiven him for actions he could not be responsible for, Tremt felt he could not forgive himself. Eventually, when the opportunity to transfer came up, he made the request to join Captain Cambil on the USS Themis after it joined the Odyssey Squadron. McCallister and Duncan tried to convince him to stay, as did his Imzadi, but he pleaded with them to give him this fresh start. This placed a huge strain on his relationship with Louwanna as she didn’t believe his running away was healthy. They decided to take a break from their relationship while Tremt sorted himself out.

USS Themis (NCC-76554) 

Joining Captain Cambil on the Themis, as her new first officer, Hunsen hoped that the move away from the Odyssey would give him the new start he desperately needed.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2378 - 2379 Cadet First Year Starfleet Academy
Cadet Freshman Grade
2379 - 2380 Cadet Second Year Starfleet Academy
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2380 - 2381 Cadet Third Year Starfleet Academy
Cadet Junior Grade
2381 - 2382 Cadet Fourth Year Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade
2382 - 2383 Chief Shuttle & Runabout Pilot USS Triton
2383 - 2385 Gamma Shift Flight Control Officer USS Triton
2385 - 2387 Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer USS Triton
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2387 - 2388 Chief Flight Control Officer USS Odyssey
2388 - 2389 Chief Flight Control Officer & Acting First Officer USS Avenger
2389 - 2399 Chief Engineer USS Odyssey
Lieutenant Commander
2399 Chief Engineer USS Odyssey
2399 - 2400 Chief Engineer & Third Officer USS Odyssey
2400 - 2399 Executive Officer USS Themis
2401 - Present Executive Officer USS Odyssey