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The Engineering Office did some baking over the holidays. Last month, we updated how gaming works in BFMS v3.3, and today, we are pleased to announce...
Dear Bravo Fleet, I’m thrilled to announce that this round brought an abundance of applicants, resulting in some fantastic changes and new...
Fiction Writing
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Writing Sandboxes
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Task Force 17
Deep Space Operations
Task Force 21
Frontier Operations
Task Force 47
Pathfinding Operations
Task Force 72
Diplomatic Operations
Task Force 86
Border Operations
Task Force 93
Humanitarian Operations
Read the latest announcements from our staff about upcoming events, updates on our community, and more!
Task Force 47 September 2022 Report
Things have been relatively quiet around the Task Force 47 neck of the woods lately, but we’re still ticking along folks! A huge shout out to those who entered into the recent competitions and congratulations to all the winners! We’ve also had a few new fresh faces join and they’ve started their journeys with Bravo […]
Operations OfficeReportsTask Force 47
Alexandra Sudari-Kravchik
Task Force 72 August 2022 Report
First off, let me begin this report by thanking everyone who took part in the competitions hosted by Task Force 72 this past week. The general consensus seemed to be that everyone liked the puzzles and games that we put forth. There were even a few that thought puzzles couldn’t get any more difficult until […]
Operations OfficeReportsTask Force 72
Th'lora Vehl
TF86 August Report
Greetings from the home of the Golden Trident! We are so thrilled by the participation in the TF86 competitions and the people who took the time to put in a submission for the event! Both Naris and I want to thank everyone for the hard work they put into the competitions! So in the words […]
Brodie Lewis
Task Force 93 August Report
Hello everyone! I want to personally thank those who have participated in Task Force 93’s Competitions, the three fun jigsaw puzzles, and of course the wonderful minigame that our fantastic Operations Officer, Fleet Admiral Zack Marshall-Bennet has put together for us! Unfortunately, there are no fiction updates for August but I’m sure that will change, […]
Henry Maxwell
Task Force 72 July 2022 Report
“DIPLOMATIC OVERTURES” “Incredible progress in such a short amount of time,” she said with a slow nod. “I’m intrigued, though. How did you get past the labor issue you indicated in earlier reports?” Ah, yes. The stumbling block that had led to nearly three days of stalemate. In order to be allowed into Mauo society, which was […]
ReportsTask Force 72
Task Force 17 July 2022 Report
“Cast Out into the Deep” A polite female voice drifted throughout the open areas of the base, “All USS Discovery personnel prepare for immediate departure from upper docking arm six. All USS Discovery personnel report aboard ship immediately.” Captain Erill’Yun Mek walked PADD in hand, studying the deployment records. The Discovery would be proceeding into […]
Fleet CommandOperations OfficeTask Force 17Task Forces
Erill'Yun Mek
Task Force 86 July 2022 Report
STORY EXCERPT The operations center was relatively quiet as Malik walked to his office. Given the recent events of the past week, he was ready for the silence that everyday life provided. The chaos that unfolded in the Velorum Sector had been stressful for everyone involved. He looked over to Captain Lewis’s office; the man […]
Austin Tindal
Task Force 93 July Report
Far From Over… Captain Henry Maxwell stood there from the control room of the main shuttle bay as the mess below on the flight deck was almost completely cleaned up. The Verity had become the main supply hub for the provisional government of the Velorum Sector during the whole fiasco with the Romulan Star Empire. […]
Task Force 47 July 2022 Report
Story excerpt The benefit to having USS Nobel as Task Force 47’s flagship, a now Fleet Captain Alexandra Sudari-Kravchik thought to herself, was that the ship’s expansive facilities accommodated the option and capacity for flag offices far more comfortably than any other ship in the current Starfleet inventory outside of the Odyssey-class ships, in her […]
Fleet CommandReportsTask Force 47Task Forces
Task Force 93 – April Report
“Answering the Call” Maxwell stood there before his chair on the bridge, with a PADD in one hand and a PADD in the other. One of them had the reports that had just come in. Though recent as they were, there were more yet to come. The situation was quite clear, as were their orders: […]
Fleet CommandReportsTask Force 93Task Forces
Task Force 86 April Report
“Reinforcing the Line” The operations center seemed quiet, much quieter than Captain Lewis had ever heard it. Tension rippled through the room as he stared at the monitor and the information scrolling in. Reports of the coup d’etat and subsequent splintering of the Romulan Star Empire had been followed by an uptick in activity from […]
Fleet CommandReportsTask Force 86Task Forces
Task Force 72 Operational Report
The situation room was four degrees cooler than normal. If it wasn’t for the illumination LCARS displays, it also would not have been lit. Th’lora preferred it this way when she was in deep thought, like she had been that particular morning. She had heard a rumour from station security, who had apprehended a trader […]