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Task Force 72 Report #7

November 12, 2022

Greetings, fleet members! With the Blood Dilithium Campaign in full swing, I’d like to welcome you all to this seventh update that I have had the pleasure of bringing to you. If you missed the last one, it can be found here.

Task Force Updates

With this report, I am happy to welcome Captain London Malik, aka Naris/Harrington to the Task Force staff as Executive Officer. Prior to the commencement of the Blood Dilithium campaign, Captain Malik joined 72 as a lateral transfer from Task Force 86, bringing with him a wealth of knowledge from his 6 months spent working with Fleet Captain Brodie Lewis.

Captain Malik replaces Captain Italia Ruas, aka Kai, who stepped down from the role for personal reasons and transferred back to Task Force 17.

There has also been a great deal of activity within 72 recently. Activity which included seeing three new commands enter into service. Nate Wilmer has picked up the USS Feuos, Peter Gardner acquired the USS Phaesis and Keranku Xorbun snagged himself the USS Rhyndacus. I can’t wait to read the stories from each of these commands.

We have also had the pleasure of welcoming several returning members from the Reserves; all of whom are making incredible advancements right out of the gates.

Fiction Updates

USS GalileoOrdered to patrol the Gradin Belt, the Galileo crew receives troubling news shortly after their arrival. The planet Kimuramin XII has seen an increase in the formation of blood dilithium crystals.

USS HeraclesUSS Heracles, en route to the Delta Quadrant an entire month before orders are sent from Bravo Fleet, arrives and detects a distress beacon from a derelict ship; traces it back to its origin.

USS PhaesisAfter responding to several distress calls and being rescued themselves, the Phaesis starts its planned survey of a nearby system, a series of events forces the Phaesis to land on an M Class Planet of a Pre-Warp Civilisation.

Task Force Recognition

Congratulations to all those that have recently received the following medals and promotions!

Meritorious Service Cross

Silver Palm

Promotion to Cadet Sophomore Grade

Promotion to Cadet Junior Grade

Promotion to Cadet Senior Grade

Promotion to Midshipman

Promotion to Ensign

Promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade

Promotion to Lieutenant

Promotion to Captain


We have had a strong first couple of weeks in the campaign, and still have 4 fun-filled weeks to go. As we begin week number 3, I turn over the reins to Fleet Captain Lewis for his report next week.