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Fleet Command Report #84 – TF93CO!

October 20, 2022

This Fleet Command Report will be short and simple. Right now, we’re all gearing up for the next Campaign: Blood Dilithium. This Campaign starts in a little over a week, and I am excite! You can read all of the juicy lore, storyline, and canon details about it here. What is a Campaign? Well, lets check the wiki:

A campaign is a club-wide event with a primary focus on writing and storytelling. Managed by the Intelligence Office, they cover a key event in Bravo Fleet canon, usually revolving around some sort of crisis or emergency situation necessitating the response of the ships and officers of the Fourth Fleet. Any member is welcome to participate in accordance with the event guidelines, writing on their Avatar Command or Task Force HQ.

With that in mind, Campaigns have historically been huge sources of writing and canon for Bravo Fleet. So I’m hoping this time is no different and that everyone really dives in. Campaigns are always exciting times in Bravo Fleet.

Task Force 93

In the past few days, Captain Henry Maxwell has been removed at my direction as Task Force Commanding Officer of Task Force 93. I thank him for his service to Task Force 93 and for his tenure as TFCO.

Normally, I wouldn’t want to make any staffing changes so close to a big event like a Campaign. Because of that and the fact that the 93XO spot has sat vacant for a few months now, I’ve asked Fleet Admiral Zack Marshall-Bennet to temporarily double up as both Operations Officer and Task Force 93 CO. This will give 93 a steady, active, and involved hand throughout the Campaign to help answer questions and direct traffic, so to speak. A bit of familiar stability.

Anyone, especially Task Force 93ers, who have any questions please reach out to MJ directly! In the mean time, David and I will also be running assist on MJs normal Operations duties so he doesn’t get too swamped with everything, so feel free to also reach out to either of us!

At the end of the Campaign, the Operations team will reassess Task Force 93 and decide what the future will be for the Task Force and its staffing openings. Until then, we Campaign!