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Operations Staff Update

December 17, 2022

Hello Bravo Fleet!

Your friendly Bravo Fleet Operations Officer here with a minor update regarding staffing. Fleet Captain Brodie Lewis (aka Darth) has decided to step down as Task Force 86 Commanding Officer and has returned to the Bravo Fleet Security Office as Deputy. We wish him all the best and thank him for his time in Task Force leadership. 

For the moment, I will be the Interim Task Force 86 Commanding Officer, however, this is not the only update I am sharing. I am happy to announce that Fleet Captain Imya Jori (aka Leah) will be taking on the role of Deputy Operations Officer! She has extensive experience being a Task Force Executive Officer, Task Force Commanding Officer and as a former Game Manager, she knows her way around RPGs too. I look forward to working closely with her and depending on her wisdom in supporting our Task Force Staff and Game Managers. 

In the meantime, if anyone has experience in Task Force leadership and wishes to be considered for the position of Task Force 86 Commanding Officer, please get in touch with me. 
