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It has been almost two months since my last Fleet Command Report where I laid out the 2025 Roadmap for Bravo Fleet and our goals and ambitions for...
Dear Bravo Fleet, It’s me again—your Friendly Neighborhood Operations Officer—back with another exciting announcement! The Operations...
Fiction Writing
Write in our epic fleet storylines as the captain of your own starship.
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Compete with other members in writing, graphics, gaming, and puzzle events.
Join fellow gamers in our Star Trek Online and World of Warships fleets.
Roleplaying Games
Join a crew and help write their next chapter together.
Writing Sandboxes
Write with the rest of the fleet in one of our collaborative writing sandboxes, open to all members!
Task Force 17
Deep Space Operations
Task Force 21
Frontier Operations
Task Force 47
Pathfinding Operations
Task Force 72
Diplomatic Operations
Task Force 86
Border Operations
Task Force 93
Humanitarian Operations
Read the latest announcements from our staff about upcoming events, updates on our community, and more!
Sundered Wings: Phase II
As Phase I of Sundered Wings has concluded, Phase II immediately begins! Unlike previous Fleet Actions, there are no “down weeks” between the phases this year. Right to the next phase of action! Battlefield Promotions Last year’s Fleet Action included battlefield promotions. So what is a battlefield promotion? Essentially it is a free promotion that […]
Fleet Command
Teylas Ramar
For those of you who follow the votes of Bravo Fleet Command very closely, you may have noticed two things: we don’t on very much anymore and one vote has just concluded. The majority of the fleet’s governance is handled directly by the department heads and unit leaders through executive powers granted under the charter, […]
Liam Dahlgren
Sundered Wings: Week 1 Fiction Update
As is the wont of the Lore Office, when a campaign comes about in Bravo Fleet, we pay close attention to the writing everyone’s doing! That’s not the priority of the Fleet Action – keep on submitting to those competitions, you have one week left for the first phase! – but it’s important. Your stories and your […]
Intelligence Office
Alexander Beckett
Happy Pride Month!
As with the last several Junes, you may have noticed that our logos on the website and on Discord have taken on some rainbow flair! On behalf of Vince, myself, and the rest of Bravo Fleet Command, I want to wish you a very happy Pride Month! Diversity is something that we have worked hard […]
A Refresher from the Lore Office
Folks, the Fleet Action is here! And you know what that means? Jigsaw puzzles! Okay, yes, but what I’m here to talk about is writing. The Fleet Action includes a campaign, a big arc plot that anyone in the fleet can join in on. Storytelling galore! Writing and adventure! But we’ve also had a big influx of […]
Fleet Action III: Sundered Wings
The third annual Fleet Action, Sundered Wings, has officially launched! Join in on this event as we offer a slew of competitions, gaming, and of course, writing! If you haven’t already, you should check out the Lore Office Briefing on Sundered Wings as well as the opening fictions of the Sundered Wings. The Fleet Action […]
New Ships from Star Trek: Picard
The Technology Team has been hard at work over the past few months thinking about how the starships introduced in the season 2 premiere of Star Trek: Picard could be integrated into our existing line-up of ships. It wasn’t a matter simply of slotting them in one-for-one but adjusting some of our existing articles to fit […]
Task Force 93 – April Report
“Answering the Call” Maxwell stood there before his chair on the bridge, with a PADD in one hand and a PADD in the other. One of them had the reports that had just come in. Though recent as they were, there were more yet to come. The situation was quite clear, as were their orders: […]
Fleet CommandReportsTask Force 93Task Forces
Henry Maxwell
Task Force 86 April Report
“Reinforcing the Line” The operations center seemed quiet, much quieter than Captain Lewis had ever heard it. Tension rippled through the room as he stared at the monitor and the information scrolling in. Reports of the coup d’etat and subsequent splintering of the Romulan Star Empire had been followed by an uptick in activity from […]
Fleet CommandReportsTask Force 86Task Forces
Brodie Lewis
Sundered Wings: Fleet Action Briefing Arrives
In two weeks, on May 28th, the 2022 Fleet Action begins. You will be tested, you will be challenged, you will compete for personal glory and the glory of your respective task forces. And there will be stories. The Fleet Action isn’t just six weeks of competition. It is a fleet-wide narrative, where all members can […]
Task Force 72 Operational Report
The situation room was four degrees cooler than normal. If it wasn’t for the illumination LCARS displays, it also would not have been lit. Th’lora preferred it this way when she was in deep thought, like she had been that particular morning. She had heard a rumour from station security, who had apprehended a trader […]
ReportsTask Force 72
Th'lora Vehl
Incoming Canon: Picard Season 2
On Thursday May 5th, the 10th and final episode of Star Trek: Picard season 2 aired. Back in March I notified the fleet that the Lore Office would be watching the show, but that we wouldn’t be implementing any of its major lore until the season was over. I didn’t want to jump on incorporating a new […]