USS Neptune

Vesta-class • NCC-83722 • Neptune Advance Exploration Squadron • Task Force 93


“The trident of Neptune is the sceptre of the world”

The USS Neptune (NCC-83722) is a Vesta class Starship and considered top of the line when it comes to capabilities that it can preform. The Neptune is an explorer meant to be out for months if not longer sustaining long range operations. It is commanded by Captain Michael Ryder, who took over the ship after his time on the USS Tesla.

In most cases a Capital ship means the crew is the best of the best with the Neptune that can be questioned. The crew though very skilled at times clash and with the Captain’s steamy love triangle there is always drama somewhere. The Neptune has been tested from the moment the crew stepped on it. The Neptune being a multi-purpose vessel helps with the flexibility of the Neptune. The Vesta class boast some of the best abilities, but even unknown threats can play a factor.

The Neptune also has an enemy that will do anything to stop the crew from its mission. Michelle Oliver with her accomplices and immense organization is a threat that looms over the Neptune. Oliver has plans and if those plans are successful it will be the end of the Neptune. Oliver will stop at nothing to destroy the Neptune.

After the destruction of Oliver the Neptune had a shakeup and became the flagship of the Neptune Advance Exploration Division, though the ship was still commanded by Michael it was now the home of the Division Commander.


Deck Layout for the Neptune

Deck 1: VIP Quarters, Upper Comms Array
Deck 2: Bridge, Ready Room, Briefing Room, XO’s Office, CO’s Quarters, XO’s Quarters
Deck 3: Senior Officer’s Quarters, Strategic Operations and Chief Tactical Officer’s Office, Training Simulators, Work Stations & Briefing Room
Deck 4:  Officer’s Quarters, Scarlet Fire Brewhouse, Trident Lounge, Transporter Rooms 1 & 2
Deck 5:  Shuttle Bay Observation Tower, Computer Core, Holodecks 1-3, Officer’s Quarters, Dorsal Phaser Arrays
Deck 6: Shuttlebay – Flight Deck, Computer Core , Holodecks 4-6, Senior Enlisted Quarters
Deck 7: Shuttlebay – Hangar, Computer Core, Enlisted Quarters, Primary Impulse Engines
Deck 8: Computer Core, Deuterium Storage, Aft Observation Lounge, Enlisted Quarters, Sickbay, Chief Medical Officer’s Office & Medical Laboratories
Deck 9: Computer Core, Primary Impulse Engines, Secondary Impulse Engines, Transporter Rooms 3 & 4, Enlisted Quarters, Ventral Phaser Arrays, Lateral Sensor Arrays
Deck 10: Main Engineering – Upper Level, Forward Observation Lounge, Enlisted Quarters
Deck 11: Main Engineering – Lower Level, Engineering Laboratories, Chief Engineer’s Office, Forward Torpedo Launchers, Torpedo Storage
Deck 12: Science Laboratories & Chief Science Officer’s Office, Ventral Sensor Dome, Phaser Cannons 1 & 2
Deck 13: Brig, Chief of Security’s Office, Training Areas & Armory
Deck 14: Holodecks 7-9 and Guest Quarters
Deck 15: Aft Torpedo Launchers, Torpedo Storage, Cargo Bays 1-5
Deck 16: Deflector Dish, Cargo Bays 6-10, Cargo Transporters 1 & 2
Deck 17: Deflector Dish, Deflector Control
Deck 18: Deflector Dish, Antimatter Storage Pods, Antimatter Generators, Lower Comms Array
Deck 19: Warp Core Ejection Hatch, Antimatter Pod Ejection Hatch. Lower Tractor Beam Emitters

Neptune Advance Exploration Squadron

The Neptune Squadron is an unit used for exploration under the command of Fleet Captain Mero Tomuya stationed at Deep Space 27 on some of the farthest reaches of the Federation borders. The Neptune Squadron is at the forefront of fleet exploration through its diverse officers and varied ships each of which help to make the division stronger. As the Squadron is on the fringe of the unknown what it encounters is always a surprise.

The Neptune Squadron is comprised of three different vessels, which complement the divisions strengths and weaknesses.

Squadron Commands

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