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Fleet Action Phase II Battlefield Promotions

August 28, 2021

Good day, Bravo Fleet!

I’m happy to announce the battlefield promotions for Phase II of the Echoes of the Tkon Fleet Action! Phase II was definitely a notch up on difficulty, and we had lots of entries this phase as well! I can’t tell you guys how happy it makes me that everyone has been taking part, and more importantly from the feedback, having fun! Okay, except maybe for the tile sliding game. Duly noted. That is now an Official Bravo Fleet Torture Device.

If you’ve forgotten what a Battlefield Promotion is, I share this from a previous report:

We didn’t do this during The Raptor’s Wings because the rank and award system was so new to Bravo Fleet, but this time around we are deploying battlefield promotions. We sort of implemented this program during the lead-up to the new model and The Raptor’s Wings, the Osiris Initiative, where we gave some people a leg up rank-wise for their interaction and dedication to the event. So what is a battlefield promotion? Essentially it is a free promotion that ignores any time in grade or other requirements. During each Phase of the Fleet Action, the TFCOs have been asked to submit one non-Command name from their TF for a battlefield promotion, with no repeats (sorry, you only get 1 per person per Fleet Action!). Additionally, Emily and I have decided to add on an additional “executive” battlefield promotion as well.

But without further delay, the battlefield promotions:

Task Force 17

Lieutenant Commander Orila Karai to the rank of Commander

Task Force 72

Lieutenant Commander Vialen Lirrihn to the rank of Commander

Task Force 86

Lieutenant Commander Aimee Sandoval to the rank of Commander

Task Force 93

Commander Acker Kather to the rank of Captain


Commander Francesca Shilo to the rank of Captain


Congratulations to you all on these well earned promotions!