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Promotion of LtCol Reius Rothschild to Colonel

July 9, 2018

HQ TF93 SPECIAL ORDER – 20180708


Effective immediately, LtCol Rothschild, Task Group Commanding Officer – Bastet, is hereby promoted to the rank of Colonel.

Yewande Banda, RADM, SF
Commanding Officer, Task Force 93

Congratulations to Reius/Rothschild on his promotion. I wanted to make a separate announcement as the TGCO position is largely OOC and Reius has done so much for TF93 as well as BF.

For those that do not know, Reius’s TG largely oversees all the new COs that join TF93, so he often reaches out to make sure they are settled and successful in launching their sims. Additionally, Reius has taken on a multitude of hats throughout TF93 and BF in general, often standing in as acting TFXO behind the scenes as needed.

He is truly an integral part of the Task Force Senior Staff (TFSS) and is much appreciated. Thank you Reius and keep up the amazing work!
