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New Sim, Promotion, and Tweaks

November 12, 2019

Welcome all – the items herein could simply not wait for the next TF64 report. I am excited to announce a new sim, a promotion, and a few tweaks to the TF64 structure.

Welcome Ochoa

We wanted to welcome the USS Ochoa NCC-1236 (game info | website), a Hernandez-class deep space explorer set in the Discovery era. Commander Remy Stokes takes over at re-launch in the year 2258.

Congratulations to…

It has been a long time, but Commander Katherine Williams (played by Jennifer) has commanded the USS Augusta in the Discovery division, and other sims before that. She is a long time CO and has done wonderful work on her sim. For her time served with excellence, I hereby promote her to the rank of Captain. Captain Williams can work out the IC details as she sees fit. Congratulations!!

TF64 Tweaks

I have decided to do a couple Task Group tweaks to TF64. Kyle had a great plan in place, but in order to streamline, I am consolidating things a tad.

  • The two Discovery TGs have been combined into “Task Group Discovery”, including seasons 1 and 2 of Star Trek: Discovery. Season 3 is TBD (without spoilers, just know things change a bit).
  • TG Kelvin has been shut down for the time being. We have no sims in there and I do not personally foresee any interest in the near future. We can always re-open if we get inquiries or if the Star Trek 4 (Kelvin) movie ever goes anywhere.


That’s all I have in this news item. Questions can be directed to tf64@ as well as me on Discord (Chris#6382). Welcome to the Ochoa and congratulations to Captain Williams!