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Promotions Abound!

June 9, 2020

One of the best parts of the new model that Bravo Fleet follows is that we have user ranks. This is one of my favorite things because it allows leaders in Bravo Fleet to promote members and say really great things about them! And while it is the responsibility of the BFA to award members within their domain, it is my responsibility to award the BFA. So, I get to do cool stuff like…

Rear Admiral Promotion


Since becoming the Bravo Fleet Communications Officer a year ago, Capierno has been an invaluable resource to both myself and the BFA. Originally I had tasked Cap in his first few months for his office to gather information on the current temperature, as it were, of the Trek internet; looking for information on where Bravo Fleet stood within the current online Trek culture. Cap led his team through the wilderness of the Trekernet, many Discords, Reddit, social media, and message boards to really bring back some valuable information on what were the current desires and activities in the online Star Trek world which helped the BFA make decisions, even up to this day, on the different directions we’ve been taking Bravo Fleet.

On top of his research project, Cap has also helped lead a really successful social media team that helps get our name out there on platforms like Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter. If you’re on Facebook, you may have seen one of our ads pop up on your feed that Cap personally created and even funded. He’s also been an invaluable resource as Comms Officer in helping guide people to what we do, how we do it, and how people can become a part. Cap has also directly helped refine our join process for Bravo Fleet which is now a seamless work of art in part because of Cap’s direct feedback. He’s even recently created a step by step guide on how to create and add a character once you do join! Suffice it to say, Cap has been a monster at executing projects given to him in our first year “back”, and I hope he stays on as our Comms Officer for many years to come!

Congratulations on your well-earned promotion to rear admiral!

Rear Admiral Promotion


Sean is another member of the Bravo Fleet Admiralty who came on board during the transition from what was to what now is. In the last year, Sean has been bounced around a bit as he’s been needed in a few different places.

Originally, Sean was asked to take up the difficult mantle of the last incarnation of Task Force 9. In that position, Sean was able to make objective and valuable recommendations based on what he saw in the aftermath of Task Force 9. It was due to this feedback that the last incarnation of Task Force 9 was closed, seemingly a chapter in Bravo Fleet history that was meant to come to a close. However, Sean wasn’t done! During that time he helped develop almost completely on his own what became Task Force 25: an experiment in canon that had never been tried before in Bravo Fleet, based around The Reliquary canon that Sean had built, and with which the BFA was more than willing to let Sean try out. Task Force 25 survived for almost a year before we were unable to realistically continue its operations, another honest and forthright opinion given to us by Sean.

Now, Sean serves as the Bravo Fleet Magistrate as a result of his objective, even-keeled decision making and welcoming demeanor. However, for all of his hard work in the past year guiding TF9 and TF25, I’m happy to congratulate him on his promotion to rear admiral!

Rear Admiral Promotion


Thrace joined the BFA in August of last year as a returning TFCO of TF93; he has served in the position before, but I would say that no tenure of his has ever been as successful as his current! Thrace helped lead TF93 from what could be considered the brink of implosion due to the mismanagement and human resources management of the previous administration before him.

I think the current state of Task Force 93 speaks for itself. In the lead up to 2399, Thrace was put in a precarious position where we all knew that TF93 would be the most directly affected by Star Trek: Picard. Thrace was able to successfully navigate that storm, and on the other end came out to help develop the current Romulan canon we have now including Devron Fleet Yards and the three-state Romulan peoples. Since then, games have been springing out of TF93 which expand upon this canon and the task force’s relation to Picard. Thrace is constantly pushing the boundaries of what TF93 can do, encouraging his members to participate and be involved, and is one of the most helpful BFA members we have!

Add to all of that, Thrace led Task Force 93 to become the overall winning task force in Bravo Fleet’s first official Fleet Action: The Raptor’s Wings! This is no small feat, and his drive and dedication to make Bravo Fleet a better place is some of the best we have in the entire fleet.

I’m very happy to congratulate Thrace on his promotion to rear admiral!

Rear Admiral Promotion


Kyle first came onto the BFA as the Task Force 64 Commanding Officer where he was given the precarious job of balancing all of the pre-2399 timelines in harmony with one another. Before that, Kyle served as TF64XO since January, essentially “in training” to the 64CO position and effectively running the day to day operations of the task force. As TF64CO, Kyle helped to both clean out old ideas and help bring new ones to the forefront of 64. In the waning days of 64, Kyle was a pivotal key in the formation and development of what is now The Holodeck.

Now, Kyle is the newly minted TFCO of a newly reactivated Task Force 86 where Kyle is overseeing, and has helped develop, massive amounts of canon for TF86 including the Klingon arc, the Gorn revamp, and the complete development for the first time in BF history of the Orions.

On top of all of his duties as TFCO of 64 and now 86, Kyle also recently did a complete overhaul of the Bravo Fleet map using the template that James Arnhem originally created. This revamped map helps to shape up what Bravo Fleet canon has become since our jump to 2399 and as a clearer picture has evolved. Kyle worked with the BFA, and continues to do so, to develop the overall map and several smaller, more focused maps for each task force.

For all that you do and your effective leadership as a TFCO, congratulations on your promotion to rear admiral!