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New COs Appointed to USS Devonshire & USS Ascension; Promotion Announcements; May O&I Brief Transcript

July 9, 2018

Fellow Commanders and crew of TF93,

Please join me in welcoming the new Commanding Officers for the USS Devonshire and USS Ascension.

The USS Devonshire is now under the command of CDR Francheszka Braxton (former Devonshire XO) due to the extended leave of CAPT Wilcox as he takes care of family affairs following the destruction at XFY. She has a quick learning curve as the Devonshire is set to lead one of the battle groups to the Gorn front alongside the USS Hawaii.

The USS Ascension has been assigned to TF93 under the command of CDR Michael Muirne and is currently taking on crew before deploying. The Ascension is tasked with training Starfleet Academy cadets on ship-based operations, known as cadet cruises.


Congratulations to the following officers on their promotions:

LT Amiri Aldana 365, D.V.M., M.D., Assistant Chief Science Officer (ACSO) to Chief Medical Officer (CMO), USS Hawaii
LTJG Tia Caelan, Assistant Chief Medical Officer (ACMO) to Chief Medical Officer (CMO), USS Kumari
ENS Arthur Jones, Son of Ruk, Security Officer (SEC) to Chief Operations Officer (OPS), USS Hawaii
ENS Harry Stevens, Assistant Chief Tactical & Security Officer (ATACSEC) to Chief Tactical & Security Officer (TACSEC), USS Hawaii


Congratulations to the following command officers on their promotions:

CDRE Vylaosh sh’Ekyhlihr, Head of Tactical Officer Training, Starfleet Academy to Federation Security Advisor, Palais de la Concorde
CDR Akio Tachibana to CAPT, USS Hawaii
CDR Sun Mei Xiang to CAPT, USS Shanghai
CDR Francheszka Braxton, XO to CO, USS Devonshire
LCDR K’Taal to CDR, USS Tornado
LCDR Juan Zamora to CDR & XO, USS Hawaii
LCDR Tolkath to CDR & 2XO, USS Hawaii

The transcript for the May Operations & Intelligence (O&I) Brief held on 23 Jun 18 has been posted here.

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to up-channel them.


Yewande Banda, RADM, SF
Commanding Officer, Task Force 93

Congratulations to ResidualRose/Frankie on command of the Devonshire!

Also welcome to Reius in another form as CDR Muirne in command of the Ascension.

We want to highlight your crew promotions going forward as that is a big milestone as a character and player, so be sure to include any promotions in your CO reports. Promotions can be position based as detailed above, not just rank.

The TFSS has changed the guidelines for CO promotions so graduating from the CO Academy is no longer a requirement for promotion to CDR. Those COs currently enrolled in the CO Academy may choose to finish the course at their own leisure.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the May O&I on 23 Jun on discord! It was a huge success so we will be switching to holding them on discord from now on (in the past we just posted on the forums).

As always, if there are any questions, please do not hesitate to ask! Thank you for making TF93 so great.
