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There be Vice Admirals here!

September 4, 2021

Members of Bravo Fleet:

Please congratulate our two newest (and first!) Vice Admirals:

Vice Admiral Alexander Beckett

Rear Admiral Alexander Beckett, Cath, or LadyBlue, as most people know her, has been an integral part of the Bravo Fleet community for many years. But her most recent tenure in the fleet has been one marked with incredible achievement and progress far above and beyond what would ever be expected. Since returning to the fleet for the new model, she has been an integral member of leadership serving first as TF72CO, then Chief of Staff, and now as Loremaster.


But as a regular member, she excels as well! Since her last promotion in April of 2020, has accumulated 3 Action Medals with a Galaxy Cluster, 25 Duty Ribbons for posts made on roleplaying games, and a whopping 1613 Service Ribbons for fiction written which equates to approximately 404,000 words written! Additionally, for all of her efforts, Cath has earned herself a Starfleet Medal of Commendation, a Meritorious Service Cross, and a Christopher Pike Medal of Valor.


But her tenure in various staff positions is where she has really excelled. As Chief of Staff she jumped right in, essentially being the first functional Chief of Staff for Bravo Fleet. Where there was little to no work done before her, she went in and got right to work. She laid the groundwork and created nearly all of the policies, awards, and rank requirements that still exist to this day. She was constantly measuring the activity of members against the promotion requirements in the lower ranks to determine how well Bravo Fleet had its pulse on what the membership wanted to do, activity wise. The standards and operational procedures put into place during her tenure as Chief of Staff are the same that the OCS uses today.


When she jumped over to become Loremaster, it was no different. If anything, it was even more work, but she was up to it. Cath immediately got to work creating different aspects of the Lore office that she believed (and was completely right!) the membership of Bravo Fleet would latch onto. Writing campaigns? Check. Intricate plot campaigns in the Fleet Action? Check. Weekly fiction updates for people to chew on? Double check. Suffice it to say, under Cath’s leadership, the Bravo Fleet Lore Office has been an extremely well-oiled and successful machine bringing multiple different facets and activities to the membership of Bravo Fleet. I truly can’t imagine anyone else who could’ve been as successful as she has been. Quite literally every program under canon or writing involved in Bravo Fleet has been a direct result of Cath’s efforts.


Congratulations, Cath!

Vice Admiral Aubrey Seagraves

Rear Admiral Aubrey Seagraves, aka David the Bravo Fleet Operations Officer, has been an absolute powerhouse of Bravo Fleet. David has been involved in nearly every facet of the fleet since his last promotion in April of 2020. He is incredibly involved in all Command discussions; he has the initiative and vision to begin and work on projects that the fleet didn’t even know it needed, always improving our community overall. On top of that, David is an absolute delight to work with and helps the overall cohesion of the fleet whether it’s through his interactions with Bravo Fleet Command, leading the Operations team consisting of all the TF staff, or managing the newcomers to our organization — David is always an extremely helpful and delightful person to have in Bravo Fleet!


However, even as a participating member, David excels above and beyond what would be expected of him as a leader. Since his last promotion, David has accumulated 47 Duty Ribbons, 367 Service Ribbons, 270 Strategic Action Ribbons, 12 Campaign Ribbons, 2 Action Medals with Planet Cluster, and 4 Action Medals with Galaxy Cluster. Additionally, David has earned through the merit of his work 1 Star for Distinguished Service and 1 Christopher Pike Medal of Valor.


As a leader, since his last promotion, David has served as Task Force Commanding Officer of Task Forces 9, 38, and 72, spending most of that time pulling double duty as Bravo Fleet Operations Officer. In his capacity as Operations Officer, David has helped to shepherd and mentor our TFCOs we have today into one of the best groups I have ever served with going back two decades! Under his direction, the TFCOs have been able to produce amazing results in all aspects of their task force — lore, activity, competitions, writing, you name it! David’s most recent example of his leadership and mentorship of the TFCOs was sitting as 72CO temporarily, mentoring Kit, the 72XO and a veteran of Bravo Fleet, into the “new way” of doing things. Because of that mentorship, Kit is now the 72CO!


As Operations Officer, David has greatly increased the quality of our roleplaying games as well as the ease of entry into running and joining them. David has set up every single RPG website since he became Operations Officer, tutored and mentored all the new GMs, and helped those roleplay games become incredibly successful. He’s also created the premade program, which has helped to increase ease of access even more than before!


Additionally, David has spearheaded his own little project revamping the Bravo Fleet Academy. While still in its infancy, David has created the building blocks of what will eventually be a full-fledged Academy. But for now, David honed in on creating a New Member Program which has really improved our ability to get new members acclimated to Bravo Fleet, its differences from other groups out there, and made new members more comfortable with Bravo Fleet’s changes. Because of David, his New Member Program, and his direct interaction with new members, since he took over as Operations Officer in April of 2020, Bravo Fleet has converted 38 people from new member cadets to ensign! This isn’t even counting the people who were already members of Bravo Fleet who David has also helped move up the ranks and interact with Bravo Fleet as a whole.


David has also been an invaluable member of the Specs Team, creating many of the ship articles you can see on the Wiki today as well as auxiliary articles on different parts of personal and starship technologies; all for the use of our members and ease of knowledge!


Congratulations David, this is well earned!