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The Engineering Office did some baking over the holidays. Last month, we updated how gaming works in BFMS v3.3, and today, we are pleased to announce...
Dear Bravo Fleet, I’m thrilled to announce that this round brought an abundance of applicants, resulting in some fantastic changes and new...
Fiction Writing
Write in our epic fleet storylines as the captain of your own starship.
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Compete with other members in writing, graphics, gaming, and puzzle events.
Join fellow gamers in our Star Trek Online and World of Warships fleets.
Roleplaying Games
Join a crew and help write their next chapter together.
Writing Sandboxes
Write with the rest of the fleet in one of our collaborative writing sandboxes, open to all members!
Task Force 17
Deep Space Operations
Task Force 21
Frontier Operations
Task Force 47
Pathfinding Operations
Task Force 72
Diplomatic Operations
Task Force 86
Border Operations
Task Force 93
Humanitarian Operations
Read the latest announcements from our staff about upcoming events, updates on our community, and more!
Operations Office Stormbreaker Competitions
Operations as “Normal” One of the things Vice Admiral Seagraves had learned early on in her tenure as Director of Fourth Fleet Operations is that there was no “normal” when it came to Starfleet, not when the positioning of a hundred or so starships operating out of a dozen or so stations to accomplish two […]
Operations Office
Aubrey Seagraves
Starbase Bravo Open
Over the past three-ish years, the Senior Staff have been thinking about different activities we can offer to best meet the needs of the group. The short version is that more people want to be captains than they want to manage groups of other writers, which has made the solo writing options through the command […]
Intelligence OfficeOperations Office
Operations Update – January 2022
It’s been quite the week for the Operations Office, and it’s only Monday! Two days ago, we had vacancies in four of the eight task force staff positions, but as of tonight I’m pleased to announce that all four Task Force Commanding Officer and Task Force Executive Officer roles are now filled! The applications this […]
Operations OfficeTask Force 72Task Force 86Task Force 93
Applications Open: Task Force 93 Commanding Officer
I’m here again to announce another change in task force leadership. As of a short while ago, Leah has tendered her resignation as Task Force 93 Commanding Officer. As our longest-serving TFCO (with just over a year and change in that role), a rest from staff work is well deserved. We thank her for her […]
Operations OfficeTask Force 93
Operation Homestead Overall Results
As we draw towards our end of the year break, I’m pleased to announce the results of the operation-long competitions from Operation Homestead. While turnout in these competitions was not as strong as I would have hoped, several were quite competitive. We tried a few competition types that we hadn’t done before, and I think […]
November 2021 Operations Report: RPGs and TF Staff
This is going to be a relatively long announcement, describing some current issues with RPGs, some changes, and my plans for the future. So, grab a cup of coffee and brace yourself for some pontificating. I have been thinking a lot about what the purpose of these offerings is and how they can best support […]
Operation Homestead Launches Tonight!
The day has come for us to begin Operation Homestead! The purpose of this event is to give us all a chance to dive into some activities that will take us away from the epic fleet-wide stories we’ve been working on in the Archanis Campaign and the Echoes of the Tkon Fleet Action to focus […]
Operation Homestead
October 11th through December 10th Lunch at Vandorin’s Captain Bancroft ran his hands along the immaculately pressed table cloth, looking for something to smooth down or find fault with but he was disappointed. He’d never eaten at Vandorin’s Bistro before, though he had been stood up there once by the captain of the Apollo. It […]
New RPG Format
For at least the last decade, Nova has been nearly the only game in town, so to speak, when it comes to running a Star Trek play-by-post RPG. It’s a powerful piece of software that has a lot of flexibility in giving groups the ability to manage lots of characters, use custom ranks, and tie posts […]
Fleet Operations Report – May 2021
Normal Operations “Are all of my ships back where they belong?” Captain Bancroft looked up from the pool table display at the heart of Fleet Operations on Starbase Bravo, coming to a respectful at-ease position before nodding to the Director of Fourth Fleet Operations. Admiral Seagraves had the unnerving ability to sneak into one of the most heavily […]
Operations OfficeReports
Fleet Operations Report – April 2021
Inspection Time The Type-11 shuttlecraft Resolute did a pirouette as it landed on the Exeter‘s deck so that the passenger ramp faced the group of cadets and enlisted trainees standing at nervous attention could see Admiral Seagraves exit her craft. The formality of a shuttlecraft landing wasn’t strictly necessary given that the training ship was docked with Starbase […]
Two New Games!
As operations officer, one of my favorite tasks is getting to let our community know when we have new opportunities for our members. In this specific existence, I’m pleased to announce that we have two new games opening, the USS Hippocrates and a game set right after The Burn in the 31st Century: Resilience, which is […]