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Task Force 93 CO & Staff Applications

April 30, 2022

It’s my pleasure to announce that as of today, Captain Henry Maxwell, aka JShep, has been elevated to the role of Task Force 93 Commanding Officer. As everyone in that unit knows, he has been extremely active in supporting members in his role as TFXO, so this move to the center seat recognizes the good work he has already been doing. We have high expectations for his continued success!

Staff Vacancies

As one might expect, the role of Task Force 93 Executive Officer is now vacant. If you’re interested in applying for the role, consider filling out the application form at the end of this announcement. You do not need to currently be a member of that task force to apply.

We also have several other vacancies:

  • Deputy Communications Officer – The Deputy Communications Officer assists the Communications Officer in coordinating our recruitment and advertising, as well as graphics and community relations. It is a BFC-level position.
  • Deputy Gaming Officer – The Deputy Gaming Officer assists the Gaming Officer in processing gaming award submissions and organizing game nights, as well as exploring other games to add to our offerings.
  • SO: Graphics (aka Graphics Director) – The Graphics Team leader is responsible for organizing the work of the graphics team, especially in managing the requests that we get and making sure that they’re being taken up by team members. Note, that you don’t have to be a brilliant artist for this role, you just need to be able to manage a team–and be very competent in using the BFMS.
  • SA: Social Media – The SA: Social Media helps the Communications Officer create and schedule social media posts.

If you are interested in applying, here is the application form. Please reach out to the relevant department head for more information on any of these roles. This form has checkboxes for the other departments as well. Lore and the Chief of Staff’s office are not specifically recruiting right now, but if you’re interested in registering your interest, you’re welcome to do so!