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USS Hathaway (NCC-92904)

A routine training exercise turns into a disaster for Hathaway when a solar flare plays havoc with ships systems.

USS Hathaway

Sagan-class • NCC-92904

Third in the lineage of vessels to bear the name, the USS Hathaway NCC-92904 (Sagan-class) is a highly versatile, state-of-the-art exploration vessel widely considered to be one of the most advanced starships in the service of the Federation. The immediate successor to the Cheyenne-class USS Hathaway lost during the Dominion War of the 2370’s, the current iteration is fresh out of the shipyards at Starbase Bravo following her exploits in the Deneb sector conflict and is currently assigned to the command of Captain Romaes Anjin.


Looking to make a name for themselves in the annals of history, the crew are a mixture of fresh-faced youngsters excelling in their fields of study, and wily veterans looking for an opportunity to cement their legacies. With the ship currently operating out of Deep Space 17 in the Typhon Frontier, she is tasked with exploring an area of space ripe for scientific exploration and missions of a first-contact nature. While Hathaway is more than suited for the complex missions that no other crew or ship are capable of, far beyond the red line of space previously explored, what she will find along her journey will test the crew to their limits…


These are the voyages of the Starship Hathaway…



RPG Rating 222

Swearing, sexual content and violence are permitted, with some limitations.
Avatars on this command are personal commissions, or located at Sci-Fi Avatars or Free Use from STPMA.

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