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USS Hathaway: Episode 1: Breathless Skies

A routine training exercise turns into a disaster for Hathaway when a solar flare plays havoc with ships systems.

Mission Description

While undertaking a routine training exercise under the command of their new commanding officer, Captain Romaes Anjin, Hathaway and her fighter group are struck by an unexpected EMP blast from a solar flare in the Kanaan system of the Deneb sector. With systems disabled across the ship and her fighters dead in space, it’s a race against time to bring systems back online before the fighter pilots run out of oxygen, and before Ferengi opportunists notice the stricken vessel…

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

9 June 2024


USS Hathaway: Episode 1: Breathless Skies

Things were going down. Kriana had no proof of this but even the uninitiated could recognise the signs. Numbers in the Starlight Lounge had thinned out a short-time before and those departing did so with purpose, their voices low and urgent. None remained, the bar was eerie in its emptiness, the [...]

1 June 2024

Keeping score

USS Hathaway: Episode 1: Breathless Skies

After the Hathaway‘s encounter with the Ferengi ship Squidge had thought it prudent to bone up on Ferengi psychology. It was all fairly generalised of course. The Counsellor couldn’t help but wish for some more specialised information on this particular Damon, his service record and [...]

1 June 2024

Sweeping Deck 8

USS Hathaway: Episode 1: Breathless Skies

The minimally lit hallways of Deck 8 created an atmosphere of dread and fear. The wrist-mounted lights of Lieutenants Sukal and Mendez bounced along the walls as they walked, only adding to the sensation. “It looks like something out of a haunted house,” Mendez said as they walked. “You never [...]

31 May 2024

Dark as Night

USS Hathaway: Episode 1: Breathless Skies

The sound of feline trilling and purring flooded Miranda’s ears in the most indignant way.  She turned her head away from the in defiant opposition to O’s subtle attempts to remind her that breakfast was late.  The cat’s full name was Orange Valentine, a testament to the color of [...]