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USS Denver

Nebula-class • NCC-72016

Interstellar conflict burns across the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. An unholy alliance between the mysterious Founders of the Dominion and the Cardassian Union has become a threat to freedom for all living in the Alpha Quadrant. As systems fall one-by-one the grip of the Dominion grows tighter.

With Deep Space 9 in the hands of the Dominion, and the Romulan Star Empire sitting on the sidelines, 2374 has not been a optimistic year for the Federation/Klingon Alliance. Fall back and retreat has become the motto amongst Starfleet crews. Even General Martok has said, “War is much more fun when you are winning. Defeat makes my wounds ache.” Morale is at an all-time low.

But, one ship of the fleet, the Nebula-class USS Denver, is a survivor. With its captain dead, the ship’s executive officer leads the crew to safety following the Battle of Tyra. Out of the 112 starships that fought Denver was one of 14 survivors. With veteran officers learning new positions, replacements are seeing what the horrors of war are all about. Will the Denver crew bend or break?

A victory is now more crucial than ever…


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USS Denver Discord

3 Members Online

Crew Manifest

Name Position Rank
Commanding Officer
ID: 2231
Acting XO/Intelligence Officer.
ID: 2457
Strategic Operations Officer
ID: 2457
Chief Helm Officer
ID: 352
Chief Medical Officer
ID: 324
Chief Counselor
ID: 2199
Medical Officer
ID: 2231
ID: 2231
Chief Science Officer
ID: 1651
Chief of Operations
ID: 324
Assistant Chief of Operations
ID: 324
Junior Operations Officer
ID: 2231
Assistant Chief of Security
ID: 352
Assistant Chief Tactical Officer
ID: 2199
Security Officer
ID: 2231
Fighter Group CO
ID: 2495
Fighter Pilot
ID: 2231
Chief Engineer
ID: 2468
Assitant Chief Engineer
ID: 2231
ID: 2886
Security - Starbase 75
ID: 2231
ID: 2468
ID: 2231
ID: 2231
ID: 2231
ID: 2231
ID: 2231
LD Character
ID: 352
ID: 324
Open Position
Chief of Security/Tactical
Open Position

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