USS Denver: Mission 8: War Drums

The Fate of Vulcan Hangs in the Balance

Mission Description

From their stronghold in the Kalandra sector, the Dominion meticulously prepares to launch a daring and unprecedented attack on a core Federation world: Vulcan. This strategically critical assault aims to cripple the heart of the Federation, striking at one of its most iconic and influential planets.

The Federation, aware of the impending threat, has mobilized its forces to protect Vulcan. The 3rd and 7th Fleets, comprising some of Starfleet’s most advanced starships and seasoned officers, stand ready to defend the key world. Among the ships poised for battle is the USS Denver. This war has been a series of relentless disasters for the Federation, with each engagement pushing their resilience to the limit. Knowing the stakes, the Denver crew steels themselves for the conflict ahead, determined to turn the tide in what has been a grim and costly struggle.

As the Dominion’s forces gather and the Federation’s fleets brace for the onslaught, the fate of Vulcan—and perhaps the entire Federation—hangs in the balance. This clash promises to be one of the war’s most significant and intense battles, with the USS Denver and its crew ready to play a pivotal role in the defense of their cherished world and the ideals it represents.

About the Mission

USS Denver
In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

17 August 2024

Runway Recreation

USS Denver: Mission 8: War Drums

Everyone was putting in long hours. Arin’s teams were no exception. Helm seemed like a cushy assignment. They also had maintenance duty, logs, and reports to do like everyone else. Driving through her performance reviews, she received a message that perhaps a bit of unwinding for Lavender might [...]

5 August 2024

For Your Eyes Only

USS Denver: Mission 8: War Drums

“Morning,” Rebecca greeted, her voice muffled by a yawn as she cradled a steaming cup of coffee. She stifled another yawn, her eyes half-closed as she navigated around a group of officers moving in the opposite direction. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the metallic tang of the [...]