
Profile Overview


Vulcan Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Ensign T'Val


Assistant Chief Tactical Officer
USS Denver






A Vulcan security officer in Starfleet with a keen interest in learning about other races, cultures, and histories.


Keeping her hair short and cropped close to her face as the most logical style for an active lifestyle T’Val looks every bit the typical Vulcan female. She is paler than most Vulcans, though not so much as worth being commented on. Though she comes from a lineage of scientists and intellectuals she is in good shape, and has some muscle visible beneath her uniform from an active lifestyle. T’Val is generally a few inches shorter than a standard Vulcan height, and diminutive in a physical sense.

Normally clad in Starfleet uniforms she wears Vulcan robes when not on duty or in private. Like many Vulcans she prefers the flowing robes and simplicity of that fashion over more ornate of complicated clothing styles preferred by other species.


It becomes hard to talk about Vulcans personalities with getting into cliches. They are not all cold and logical like a walking computer though many species see them as such. Vulcans to one and other have such an array of personality types that it is remarkable to them that more emotive species find them so. Yet it is true that in general most Vulcans are reserved, logical, and considered in their actions and statements.

Yet T’Val saw first hand just how different Vulcans could be. As a child she tended to be more active, something of what humans would call a Tomboy, while her older brother was a thinker and cerebral. While she explored outdoors he studied and thus when they grew older he had a role waiting for him in the prestigious Vulcan Science Academy while she had manual labor. Her sense of adventuring and exploration as a child suggested to her that she enroll in Starfleet after her post secondary education in anthropology and history (she’s still a Vulcan and they enjoy their degrees).

This was not a popular choice amongst her immediate family, and she had to push for it. Yet a personality trait is that she is determined, and often once she is set on a course emotion or logic can not sway her. She continues to be stubborn, though she had learned to take direction in a command structure better with training at the Academy.


Birth Through College (2338 – 2364)

Born in ShiKahr on Vulcan T’Val had a fairly cosmopolitan upbringing on the planet. In one of the largest cities on the planet, it was easy for the young Vulcan to mix with species from other planets, getting a broader sense of the universe. The daughter of two scientists who had become professors at the Vulcan Science Academy there was an expectation for academic excellence in the family which T’Val’s older brother met but she did not.

T’Val was, as much as a Vulcan could be, a dreamer and an outside kid. She preferred to get dirty and stay active. She got in fights, and argued with her very logical parents. Though not exactly a problem child she was harder than most Vulcan young, headstrong and willful when logic may dictate another course of action.

Though not intellectual enough for the Vulcan Sciece Academy,  her scores were enough to get her into the prestigious Shirkar Academy, she was less interested in studying the fundamental building blocks of the universe and the laws of physics which govern the structure of reality. T’Val however was more interested in the peoples that made up the universe and exploring. Never the less to keep the peace in her family for once she bent to their wills and attended the school. After graduating with unspectacular grades, she switched tracks. Focusing her studies on anthropology, history, and political science she applied for Starfleet Academy upon graduation much to the chagrin of her parents who had wanted both of their children to be dedicated scientists.

Starfleet Academy (2368 – 2371)

T’Val did well at the academy. There she was not the odd person out who preferred physical exertion to intellectual study. Her educational background gave her a good bearing and while physics is not that applicable in the study of various histories the educational tools that she had learned proved useful. At the Academy she excelled in her studies, but preferred to be outside in the world around her rather than in a classroom with a PADD.

She opted for a security tract though she briefly considered the sciences. In security she was able to be more physical and it was a good way to deal with stress learning how to subdue enemies without the use of phasers. With a surprisingly, even to herself, analytical mind she did well in strategy focused exercises and though she has no rousing tales of passing the winnable exam or fighting a Klingon T’Val believed firmly that she had finally found where she fit.

Doing well at the Academy she was able to graduate within the standard four-year timeframe and is awaiting assignment as a newly minted Starfleet Ensign.

Starfleet (2371 – 2374)

As an Ensign security officer T’Val served aboard the USS Avenger and later the USS Crazy Horse. Promoted to Assistant Chief Security Officer she lasted transferred to the USS Denver where she serves now.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2369 Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Freshman Grade
2369 - 2370 Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2370 - 2371 Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Junior Grade
2371 - 2372 Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade
2372 - 2373 Security Officer USS Avenger
2373 - 2374 Security Officer USS Crazy Horse
2374 - Present Assistant Chief Security Officer USS Denver