USS Tesla (Archive)

Task Force 93

The USS Tesla is a Nova Class starship originally built for small scientific exploration missions, but the Tesla was retrofitted to survive longer more advanced scientific missions. She will be exploring areas of the Delta Quadrant, as part of Task Force 17. Commissioned to Commander Michael Ryder by Captain Zack Marshall-Bennet. The ship was commissioned to Ryder after a surprising revelation to Ryder.


The USS Tesla has a crew of around 100, most of whom are Scientists, though Ryder himself is not a Scientist his skill and history in tactics and battles make the Tesla, able to hold her own in the Delta Quadrant. The Tesla will be there to conduct complex scientific research. The ship’s senior staff will consist of the Captain, Executive Officer, and Second Officer. Each of them is talented in their own field bringing different talents to the Tesla.

Crew Manifest

Name Position Rank
ID: 2208
First Officer
ID: 2220
Chief of Security and Tactical
ID: 2208
Chief Medical Officer
ID: 2208
Chief Operations Officer
ID: 2208
Chief Strategic Officer
ID: 2208
Chief of the Boat
ID: 2208
ID: 2208
Nanotech and Artificial Intelligence Specialist Contracted to the USS Tesla
ID: 2208
Enemy Against The Tesla
ID: 2208
ID: 2208
Flight and Comms Officer
ID: 2220
Chief Engineering Officer
ID: 2220
Shuttle Pilot
ID: 2220
Medical Personnel
ID: 2220

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