Part of USS Odyssey: Avenues and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Avenues – 8

USS Bellerophon (NCC-74705), docked at Deep Space 19, Kovar System, Alcott Sector, Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 78755.1
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“All hands, attention to orders. From Fourth Fleet Operations to Captain Karyn Reyas. As of this date, you are requested and required to take command of U-S-S Bellerophon. Signed, Fleet Admiral Luke R. Duncan, stardate seven-eight-seven-five-five point one.”

Commodore James Preston McCallister stood in the centre of the bridge of the Bellerophon with a PADD in his hands. In his dress uniform, McCallister smirked at his wife as he passed her the device. 

“Computer, transfer all command codes to Captain Reyas, voice authorisation McCallister four-seven-alpha-tango,” McCallister ordered, his voice resonating with the formality and significance of the moment.

Command codes transferred. U-S-S Bellerophon, now under the command of Captain Karyn Reyas.”

“I relieve you, sir,” Reyas said, her voice filled with formality and a noticeable dash of humour, adding a light-hearted touch to the serious moment. She grinned quite a lot at her husband handing over the Bellerophon to her. 

“I stand relieved,” McCallister said, shaking his wife’s hand. 

“Okay, everyone, we’ve got some work to do,” Reyas declared to her crew. 

“Like getting a ship launched in less than twenty-four hours,” Jirani, Reyas’ new first officer, said.

“And I have another two more ships to launch,” McCallister shared before he excused himself as he left the bridge. Walking towards the turbolift, McCallister looked around the Intrepid-class bridge. As the lift doors opened, he took one more glance around and saw his wife catch his eye. She smirked. He smirked back. Watching her take her seat, McCallister knew she was okay, and he could move on.

USS Triton (NCC-80106), docked at Deep Space 19, Kovar System, Alcott Sector, Beta Quadrant

“All hands, attention to orders. From Fourth Fleet Operations to Captain Corella Banfield. As of this date, you are requested and required to take command of U-S-S Triton. Signed, Fleet Admiral Luke R. Duncan, stardate seven-eight-seven-five-five point one.”

Returning to his former command, McCallister felt a level of nostalgia brush over him. He had been in this position back in the mid-eighties. Taking command of the Luna-class ship, ready to leave a diverse crew. He had been here before, and now he was looking at the woman who was stepping in to take on the next journey with this crew. She was no James Preston McCallister, no Rio Canção, no Horatio McCallister. Corella Banfield was her own person. She was impressive. She was professional. She was honourable. She was ready for the centre seat. 

Again, as he had just performed on the Bellerophon, McCallister took in a breath and spoke up. “Computer, transfer all command codes to Captain Banfield, voice authorisation McCallister four-seven-alpha-tango.”

Command codes transferred. U-S-S Triton, now under the command of Captain Corella Banfield.”

“I relieve you, sir,” Banfield said, extending her hand towards her former captain.

McCallister shook her hand. “I stand relieved, captain.” Smiling at Banfield, he saw Jen standing behind her. “Commander Jen, I’m expecting you to help look after this ship.”

 “Don’t worry, sir, we’ll take good care of her,” Jen confirmed. 

Banfield nodded. “Triton is in safe hands, I promise.”

“I know she is,” McCallister stated. Again, he took a glance around. McCallister had loved this ship many years ago. He had wished he had commanded her a lot longer, but then he wouldn’t have had the opportunity with the Odyssey.

“I’ll leave you two alone to get your crew together,” McCallister told them before he turned around and headed straight to the lift. 

He had one more old lover to see off.

USS Odyssey (NCC-80000), docked at Deep Space 19, Kovar System, Alcott Sector, Beta Quadrant

“Commodore on deck!” declared Tomaz at the top of his voice. 

Everyone was assembled on the Odyssey’s bridge. The entire senior staff stood around the edge, all at attention. The gesture was kind and appreciated by McCallister, especially when he saw his son standing to one side, too. 

Stepping out onto the bridge from the turbolift, McCallister crossed the bridge. Over fifteen years, he made this journey on numerous occasions. Now, McCallister would not be making it to the centre seat anymore. Instead, he was now handing over everything to the man who had been his right hand for the last couple of years. He had made Duncan a captain earlier on in the year during the Dominion Lost Fleet incursion into the Deneb sector. Now, it was time to make it all official.

Gazing around the bridge, he took in everyone’s glare. Tomaz, Flemen, Court, Slyvexs, Horin, Tierra, Keli, Rosle and Gray. All of them were in dress uniforms, too. 

“Captain Duncan, are you ready to take over?” McCallister asked his friend.

Duncan just nodded.

“Then let’s make this quick,” McCallister said as they stood together in the centre. Seeing Hunsen standing close to Duncan, McCallister was pleased to see his former chief engineer back on the bridge of the Odyssey. He agreed with Duncan’s choice of his new first officer. “Now, everyone, I’m not going anywhere fast, but I want to make it clear that the Odyssey is just my flagship now; the true commander is,” He stopped and looked at Duncan. “Maxwell Jack Duncan-Court.”

A good number of them cheered.

Pulling a PADD out that he had, McCallister read its contents. “To Commodore James Preston McCallister, Commanding Officer U-S-S Odyssey, stardate seven-eight-seven-five-five point one. You are hereby requested and required to relinquish command of your vessel to Captain Maxwell Duncan-Court, Executive Officer U-S-S Odyssey, as of this date. Signed, Fleet Admiral Luke Duncan, Fourth Fleet Operations.” Looking up from the device, McCallister smiled at Duncan again. “Computer, transfer all command codes to Captain Max Duncan. Voice authorisation, McCallister four-seven-alpha-tango.”

“Transfer complete. U-S-S Odyssey now under command of Captain Maxwell Duncan,” The computer replied.

“I relieve you, commodore,” Duncan said, extending his hand.

Shaking Duncan’s hand firmly, McCallister replied. “I stand relieved.”

Looking around the bridge, Duncan ordered everyone to be dismissed. He turned back to McCallister. “Commodore, I know you want us to get going soon, but we’re still down in a few key positions.”

McCallister nodded. “I know, Max, but the Delta Quadrant doesn’t wait for anyone. You still looking for an ops manager?”

“We are,” Duncan confirmed.

“Then speak with Admiral Jaret. I know she’s got a strong deputy operations officer. She may lend her, or she may join full-time,” McCallister advised.

“Thank you, sir,” Duncan replied. 

“No worries,” McCallister stated before looking over at Tomaz. “Commander Tomaz and I have a briefing with Starfleet Intelligence. I’ll catch you later?”

“Sounds good to me,” Duncan said before leaving the commodore’s company.

McCallister caught his son’s attention and made his way over to Alfie. “You okay?”

“I’m fine, thanks, sir,” Alfie answered. He leaned in quietly. “You okay?”

Appreciating the sentiment, McCallister nodded.

“I always thought you would be captain of the Odyssey, Dad,” Alfie said as they approached the turbolift.

“Just remember, Alfie, not everything is certain,” McCallister counselled. Once again, McCallister looked over his shoulder and saw Duncan getting to work with his new senior staff. 

McCallister was proud. He had built these people up, and he was happy to be passing the torch. 


  • What I enjoy the most about stories set amongst the crew of the USS Odyssey, if the cohesion with which the relationships between the characters is established with. These people 'feel' real to me. Thier interactions exhibit a 'naturalness" and their conversations engender a sense of actuality. You really believe these people inhabit this space and how they relate and communicate serve the story magnificently. As I writer, I appreciate the subtly and skill with which this is achieved and confess to a modicum of well - intended envy!!! It's no easy feat and makes your stories so accessible.

    July 17, 2024