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USS Bellerophon

Intrepid-class • NCC-74705 • Fourth Fleet

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”

The USS Bellerophon (NCC-74705) is an Intrepid-class Federation starship built in the early part of the 2370s and served with distinction during the Dominion War. Now, after thirty years of various missions within the Alpha and Beta Quadrant, the ship is assigned to the Fourth Fleet’s Odyssey Heavy Explorer Squadron. The ship has been sent to undertake deep space exploration assignments in the Delta Quadrant. The Bellerophon has been refitted for this mission and to retrace the steps made famous by another Intrepid-class that traversed the same region.

The ship’s quote is from a speech shared by the 44th President of the United States of America from Earth’s 21st century, President Barack Obama.

Header image by Jetfreak-7

The content on this command is rated at 222 on the RPG Ratings Scale, per the Bravo Fleet Content Policy. Limited swearing, violence, and sexual content may be present. It is intended for audiences aged 16 and up.

RPG Rating 2 2 2

Odyssey Heavy Explorer Squadron

The Odyssey Squadron is a formation centred around the starship USS Odyssey, the prototype of the Odyssey-class explorer. It is currently under the command of Fleet Captain James Preston McCallister. The squadron was assigned as a deep space expeditionary force within the Delta Quadrant. Assembled at the end of 2400, the squadron was ordered to proceed to the Swallow Nebula region beyond the Gradin Belt to begin re-exploration efforts. The squadron was assigned directly to Fourth Fleet Operations and not one of the fleet’s task forces; it also works closely with the Delta Exploration Initiative.


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