Part of Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

USS Odyssey: Avenues

The Odyssey Squadron returns to the Delta Quadrant via some unexpected means.

Mission Description

Re-assembled at Deep Space 19, the Odyssey Squadron is returning to the Delta Quadrant with a brand new road ahead of them. With newer ships added to the squadron, the newly promoted Commodore James Preston McCallister must lead his new expeditionary force to explore the Swallow Nebula region and attempt to establish a peaceful foothold with the locals, however the path ahead of him and his squadron isn’t an easy one before they take their trip.

About the Mission

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End Date

21 July 2024

Avenues - 11

USS Odyssey: Avenues

“All ships report ready, sir,” Dalen announced confidently from the ops station, her voice indicating thorough preparation and a hint of pride. Though she had only taken on the position with less than twenty-four hours’ notice, she (and the others) had quickly transferred to the Odyssey [...]

20 July 2024

Avenues - 10

USS Odyssey: Avenues

Hunsen made his way through Deep Space Nineteen, trying to locate the one person he was sent to find and talk to. His path led him to a section of the station where maintenance was being conducted. Sparks flew from a conduit as a figure in a Starfleet engineering uniform worked diligently, [...]

20 July 2024

Avenues - 9

USS Odyssey: Avenues

Sitting at the back of the lecture hall, Duncan wondered if he had been seen by the professor taking the session. Remaining quiet, he just observed. He was here not just to learn about what the lecture was about but to gauge if its key speaker was a potential as his new chief science officer. At [...]

16 July 2024

Avenues - 8

USS Odyssey: Avenues

“All hands, attention to orders. From Fourth Fleet Operations to Captain Karyn Reyas. As of this date, you are requested and required to take command of U-S-S Bellerophon. Signed, Fleet Admiral Luke R. Duncan, stardate seven-eight-seven-five-five point one.” Commodore James Preston McCallister [...]