Read the latest announcements from our staff about upcoming events, updates on our community, and more!
Task Force Staff Update #2
Hello Bravo Fleet! We are happy to report that our recent recruitment efforts for our Task Force Senior Staff positions have been successful. We now have a full team of Task Force Commanding Officers and Task Force Executive Officers! As mentioned, if we had suitable candidates then we would appoint them sooner rather than waiting […]
Operations OfficeTask Force 17Task Force 47Task Force 72Task Force 86Task Force 93
Echoes of the Tkon Final Results, Winners, and a lot more!
To the members of Bravo Fleet: Now that the Fleet Action is complete, I’d like to present to you the final results. I won’t go on too much here at the top because I know you’ll just scroll past it and look for the results, so without further delay: Results Phase I LCARS Search Azras […]
Fleet CommandIntelligence OfficeOffice of the Chief of StaffReportsTask Force 17Task Force 72Task Force 86Task Force 93
2021 Medals of Commendation!
Hello Bravo Fleet! We’re finally here at the time of the year that celebrates Gene Roddenberry’s birthday, and along with it, the yearly awarding of the Starfleet Medal of Commendation! The award reads as follows: A yearly award for the players of each Task Force (each Task Force can nominate up to 5 people) whom […]
Fleet CommandOffice of the Chief of StaffTask Force 17Task Force 72Task Force 86Task Force 93Task Forces