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Operations Update – January 2022

January 11, 2022

It’s been quite the week for the Operations Office, and it’s only Monday! Two days ago, we had vacancies in four of the eight task force staff positions, but as of tonight I’m pleased to announce that all four Task Force Commanding Officer and Task Force Executive Officer roles are now filled! The applications this time around were exceptionally strong, and these individuals all have proven track records as active members and/or as former staffers. Please give hearty congratulations to the following individuals:

In addition to that, I’m very happy to announce that Captain Erill’Yun Mek (Wooz) has stepped up to Deputy Operations Officer, in addition to his role as TF86CO. As the longest-serving TFCO, he’s in a great position to mentor his peers, and I wanted to make that distinction formal. He’ll also be able to contribute to the Academy and RPG teams in this role, where his service as the Altai GM will come in very handy.

Speaking of the RPG team, since I last made a note, Lieutenant Commander Keziah Nazir (Kai) was appointed as an SA on the RPG Team.

A more programmatic report, as well as a full announcement about Starbase Bravo, are yet to come, but I wanted to get this out ASAP.