Read the latest announcements from our staff about upcoming events, updates on our community, and more!
Communications OfficeFleet CommandIntelligence OfficeOffice of the Chief of StaffOperations OfficeSecurity OfficeTask Force 93
Task Force 93 CO & Staff Applications
It’s my pleasure to announce that as of today, Captain Henry Maxwell, aka JShep, has been elevated to the role of Task Force 93 Commanding Officer. As everyone in that unit knows, he has been extremely active in supporting members in his role as TFXO, so this move to the center seat recognizes the good […]
Fleet CommandFleet DepartmentsIntelligence Office
Stormbreaker: The End
As of last Sunday, the Stormbreaker Campaign finally came to an end! It’s been a long and enthusiastic six weeks full of a myriad of tales of rescuing those in distress, adventures through space-time, and the bonding that comes in a crisis. I’m tremendously pleased with how this first campaign of 2022 has gone, and […]
Fleet CommandIntelligence Office
The Stormbreaker Campaign begins!
Ion storms ravage the Paulson Nebula, manifesting as if from nowhere and endangering all who live and travel within its depths. Without a response, countless lives will be lost. Will your crew join the evacuation effort? Will they try to shield endangered stations and ships? Will they seek out the mysterious subspace anomalies that have […]