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Greetings from your Bravo Fleet Communications Office! As we begin a new year, I thought it would be good to deliver some notes on the efforts of the...
The Engineering Office did some baking over the holidays. Last month, we updated how gaming works in BFMS v3.3, and today, we are pleased to announce...
Fiction Writing
Write in our epic fleet storylines as the captain of your own starship.
Learn more →
Compete with other members in writing, graphics, gaming, and puzzle events.
Join fellow gamers in our Star Trek Online and World of Warships fleets.
Roleplaying Games
Join a crew and help write their next chapter together.
Writing Sandboxes
Write with the rest of the fleet in one of our collaborative writing sandboxes, open to all members!
Task Force 17
Deep Space Operations
Task Force 21
Frontier Operations
Task Force 47
Pathfinding Operations
Task Force 72
Diplomatic Operations
Task Force 86
Border Operations
Task Force 93
Humanitarian Operations
Read the latest announcements from our staff about upcoming events, updates on our community, and more!
Starfleet Medals of Commendation & OCS News
Happy Gene’s Birthday, one and all! This is a great day in particular for the Office of the Chief of Staff. In honour of this auspicious Trekkie date, Bravo Fleet awards the annual Starfleet Medal of Commendation to a variety of members who have made great contributions over the past year. From current staffers, hard-working […]
Office of the Chief of Staff
Alexander Beckett
Internet Office: August Report
Hello Bravo Fleet, I hope you are all having a great Star Trek: Lower Decks premier day. New Developments As Emily hinted a few weeks ago when I was elected Internet Officer, we have been hard at work some exciting special projects. The project I want to discuss in this report, though rumor has already […]
Engineering Office
James Smith
Three New TFXOs
I’m pleased to announce three changes in our task force-level staffing situation. With one transfer to a new role and two changes in availability, in the past few days we have had three individuals move from Task Force Chief of Staff roles to Task Force Executive Officer roles. It’s always exciting to announce when someone […]
Operations Office
Aubrey Seagraves
Winners of the Design a Klingon House Emblem
I would like to thank all of the competitors who entered the Design a Klingon House Emblem competition! You all have done Bravo Fleet proud. There is some real talent in our fleet! There were several entries- each was graded on the same rubric of having an authentic Klingon feel, creativity of the piece, skill […]
Office of the Chief of StaffTask Force 86
New Competitions!
It’s a good month for competitions in Bravo Fleet! We’ve had ones hosted by the BFA, but the Office of the Chief of Staff is proud to present today two designed by the membership. Our first is a writing competition with a meaty and challenging conceit, both on a creative and an ethical level. I […]
New Internet Officer
Our technology is the glue connects Bravo Fleet’s community together. We use it to write stories, communicate, and keep track of vital information. Bravo Fleet already has one of the most advanced fleet management systems available, and we’re constantly looking to improve our infrastructure. Our goal is to make life easier for our members by […]
Elizabeth Wolf
The Holodeck – June/July Update!
The Challenger “Computer, activate programme Challenger zero three alpha nine nine.” With an instant, the silver and white holodeck disappeared and was replaced by the bridge of the old NX-class class starship, Challenger. Stood frozen in the centre of third warp five capable starship, Fleet Captain Lloyd Burton remained still with his hands on his hips and his entire bridge crew […]
Intelligence OfficeThe Holodeck
Lloyd Burton
Bravo Fleet Academy
After countless hours of development, the Bravo Fleet Academy is excited to move forward with our first course BF 101 – Introduction to Bravo Fleet! The Bravo Fleet Academy is designed to be a self-paced resource that Fleet Members can use to learn more about Bravo Fleet. The Bravo Fleet Academy: General Overview is a […]
AcademyCommunications Office
Javin Kile
New Gaming Command Adjutant, Plus STO News
Hello, everyone! Here’s some news from the desk of the Gaming Office. First of all, we have a new CA for Gaming activities. UnknownParticipant will be helping with the day-to-day activities of the Gaming Office, especially where Star Trek Online is concerned. Related to that, Bravo Fleet will soon have a KDF-based fleet available for […]
Security Office
Bravo Fleet Operations Officer
Members of Bravo Fleet! Again we have taken some feedback, this time from members and staff alike, and acted accordingly! It had become apparent to, and within, the Bravo Fleet Admiralty that while the model Bravo Fleet now operates under has been very well received within our organization, there has been a lack of clarification […]
Operations OfficeTask Forces
Teylas Ramar
Fleet Magistrate Code Updates – 06/17/2020
Greetings members of Bravo Fleet, As discussed in the recently amended Magistrate Opinion for Bravo Fleet v. Jack Pike (BFM-001), a lot of changes to the Bravo Fleet Magistrate Code and its evolution came from that case. The entire Magistrate Code was looked at from top to bottom, and a fundamental rewrite was completed […]
Office of the Judge Advocate General
Niana Tondro
Ammendment: BFM-001
Members of Bravo Fleet, Owing to an appeal, as well as ongoing discussion as to the nature of the spirit of the Magistrate Code versus the Written Code itself, the opinion on this case has been amended. Additionally, owing to the lessons learned on this case, the Bravo Fleet Admiralty is currently in the process […]