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Magistrate Office Report – BFM-005

January 23, 2021

Members of Bravo Fleet,


On 1/20/21, the Bravo Fleet Magistrate began proceedings against BolianCO. Said proceedings were initiated due to my direct involvement in an attempt to mediate a heated exchange in a public area of the Discord. Unfortunately, due to the extenuating circumstances, no successful mediation was possible (the Defendant had left the server, and due to Discord policy I was unable to continue the conversation with him).

The opinion of the Magistrate, and a full link to the details of the case are below.

Magistrate Opinion:

A spirited exchange of ideas is expected and celebrated within Bravo Fleet, and as with all groups of people collectively drawn together by a passion for a hobby, disagreements are expected to take place. The expectation is that these disagreements and conversations take place with respect for one’s fellow members.

Indeed although the tone of conversation was strained in the public forums of the discord, there was no outright violation, although there was heightened emotion. However this went from heightened emotions and misunderstanding to verbal abuse at the point where defendant began to actually verbally abuse another member over PM. When the Magistrate attempted to mediate the issue over Discord PM, the defendant left the server and reconciliation was unable to take place. Additionally, the defendant continued verbal abuse in his response to the Magistrate Defender.

Disagreements are expected and welcome when constructive, disrespecting other members of the Fleet is not something that will be tolerated.

Link to full case details on BFMS:

Bravo Fleet vs Bolian CO (BFM-005)


Live Long and Prosper,