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Bravo Fleet Discord Policy

December 23, 2020

Recently, Discord turned on a new feature which we have opted to begin using here in Bravo Fleet immediately. Before a user joins our server, they will be prompted to accept our server rules. You can see what it looks like here:


Since we had not previously codified them, the communications office has done just that and now they are live on the wiki. You can find them here:

There is nothing out of the ordinary here, just putting into place what we have been operating on since the server came into existence. In general, I think I can sum up our guidelines into three general categories:

  1. Treat others with the same respect you would expect someone to treat you with.
  2. Access to the the Bravo Fleet Discord Server is a privilege, not a right.
  3. Have fun!

Changes made to the policy will be announced on the Server.

Thank you for your attention, and happy discording!