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Call for TFCO Applications

December 8, 2020

Due to circumstances beyond his control (congrats on the promotion!), Christopher has had to step back from TF17 for the time being. While we do have internal candidates for the position, we want to open up our pool of interested parties for future vacancies, especially to folks who might not have thought about this kind of role before.

In the past, the TFCO role was primarily concerned with managing the fleet’s games (“sims”), but now the role is entirely focused on enhancing the member experience by developing competitions, encouraging activity, and helping folks find the activities they enjoy doing the most. Generally, it’s always been given to folks who were themselves game managers, but since games are now their own separate activity entirely, it’s not necessary for TFCOs to have experience running their own games. It’s a role well-suited to people who enjoy interacting with others and have strong knowledge about our awards and ranking system, but prior staff experience at this level isn’t necessarily required.

If you’re at all interested, I encourage you to fill out the application and/or reach out to me with your questions. This application period will run through December 25th.