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Two New Competitions!

January 29, 2021

Hello all!

The Gaming Office has two different competitions, and these two are right up everyone’s alley.

First things first, the STO Weekend Blitz is back, and this time, we have disconnected drones. Playing Borg Disconnected this weekend and submitting some screencaps for the completion of the awards might net you some bonuses, and the most may even get you some new bling for your profile and a feather in your cap. But hurry, the last day for entries ends at midnight on 1 February 2021, so… get those entries in!

Next we took things in a writing direction. As you may or may not know, the Year of the Klingon has been going on, and after an unavoidable delay new content dropped. This means that characters are being created, new Discovery Klingons are in the mix… and often no thought is given to these characters other than “they look cool”. One of the most neglected fields in the entire game? The character biography field. Bravo Fleet has been all about bringing the Star Trek universe to life, and one way we can do that is to populate our group with interesting people. In that vein, we would like you to write out a character biography for your STO character. You can use this one as a Cameo entry, and one day maybe we can start thinking in terms of actual roleplaying with these characters. If nothing else, it makes all of us in the Command area sweat a little more profusely when the time comes to move everything to BFMS2, so there’s that.

Good luck to all people entering! And if you don’t believe in luck, that’s good; then there’s more for the rest of us.