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The Engineering Office did some baking over the holidays. Last month, we updated how gaming works in BFMS v3.3, and today, we are pleased to announce...
Dear Bravo Fleet, I’m thrilled to announce that this round brought an abundance of applicants, resulting in some fantastic changes and new...
Fiction Writing
Write in our epic fleet storylines as the captain of your own starship.
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Compete with other members in writing, graphics, gaming, and puzzle events.
Join fellow gamers in our Star Trek Online and World of Warships fleets.
Roleplaying Games
Join a crew and help write their next chapter together.
Writing Sandboxes
Write with the rest of the fleet in one of our collaborative writing sandboxes, open to all members!
Task Force 17
Deep Space Operations
Task Force 21
Frontier Operations
Task Force 47
Pathfinding Operations
Task Force 72
Diplomatic Operations
Task Force 86
Border Operations
Task Force 93
Humanitarian Operations
Read the latest announcements from our staff about upcoming events, updates on our community, and more!
Two New Competitions!
Hello all! The Gaming Office has two different competitions, and these two are right up everyone’s alley. First things first, the STO Weekend Blitz is back, and this time, we have disconnected drones. Playing Borg Disconnected this weekend and submitting some screencaps for the completion of the awards might net you some bonuses, and the […]
Security Office
Rob Mackenzie
Operations Report – January 2021
This update contains a few different topics related to the Operations Department, mostly related to staffing opportunities. As a sort of preamble, I wanted to start with an observation I made a few days ago as I thought about the purpose of this department, as it exists at the intersection of the majority of the other departments' responsibilities, while also having duties of its own. In short, the Operations Department exists to help the membership navigate between the fleet's various offerings through mentorship, ranging from the New Member team, to mentoring Task Force leadership, to coordinating the established roleplaying groups (a.k.a. games, sims, writing groups, and a whole bunch of other jargon depending on your perspective). If you're not sure where to send your question, always feel free to approach your Task Force staff or any member of the New Member team (even if you're not a "new" member), as that's what we're all here for!
Operations Office
Aubrey Seagraves
Magistrate Office Report – BFM-005
Members of Bravo Fleet, On 1/20/21, the Bravo Fleet Magistrate began proceedings against BolianCO. Said proceedings were initiated due to my direct involvement in an attempt to mediate a heated exchange in a public area of the Discord. Unfortunately, due to the extenuating circumstances, no successful mediation was possible (the Defendant had left the server, […]
Office of the Judge Advocate General
Sean Stephens
Gaming Office Updates – January 2021
Greetings and salutations, Bravo Fleet! How are you all doing today? Now, hopefully this won’t be buried under a bunch of other updates from other heads of departments like last month – seriously, you all could have let the pixels settle into place for mine before coming in and dropping three additional announcements on top […]
The Archanis Campaign – Coming Soon!
If anyone’s paid closer attention to the Lore Office’s announcements than they really should, you might have picked up my Subtle Hints of something in the works. This Something has been stewing since I became Loremaster, and with the wiki released, our first competitions completed, and the festive season behind us, it’s time to pull […]
Intelligence Office
Alexander Beckett
Magistrate Office Report – 01/17/2021
Happy New Year from the Office of the Bravo Fleet Magistrate! Typically no news is good news, from the Magistrate’s desk. Today’s announcement however is a bit of good news both from a personal perspective, and for the continuity of the “sausage making” of the organization. As I said in my recent announcement […]
Operational Readiness Protocols Results
The Lore Office kicks off 2021 with the end of our first departmental competitions, the Operational Readiness Protocols! Rear Admiral Beckett cast his judgemental eye upon the ranks of the Fourth Fleet, its commanders, ships, and crew, and has assessed them… adequate. Everyone’s a critic. But as Loremaster, I’m thrilled. These competitions have been more than […]
Bravo Fleet Discord Policy
Recently, Discord turned on a new feature which we have opted to begin using here in Bravo Fleet immediately. Before a user joins our server, they will be prompted to accept our server rules. You can see what it looks like here: Since we had not previously codified them, the communications office has done […]
Communications OfficeFleet Command
Robert Dowd
Chief of Staff Report – Winter 2020
Welcome, everyone, to my first Chief of Staff report! The Office of the Chief of Staff is not often one you’ll hear from with news posts or reports, but you’ll often “hear” from us in the form of awards, promotions, transfers, competition approvals, and even ship requests. So, reports will be fewer and far between, […]
Office of the Chief of Staff
Stavro Davila
Gaming Updates for December
Howdy-doo, Bravo Fleeterinos! The Gaming Office is normally a little quiet on the main announcements; the role-playing aspect of Bravo Fleet is sometimes quite labor intensive, and as someone who used to do that quite a bit I respect the time and effort. And with all that, who really wants to read some update by […]
Call for TFCO Applications
Due to circumstances beyond his control (congrats on the promotion!), Christopher has had to step back from TF17 for the time being. While we do have internal candidates for the position, we want to open up our pool of interested parties for future vacancies, especially to folks who might not have thought about this kind […]
Operational Readiness Protocols – Lore Office Competitions Month
‘If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles,’ mused Admiral Beckett. Because the admiral was staring out his office window, his adjutant got away with rolling her eyes. ‘Yes, sir,’ said Lieutenant Dathan, voice more controlled than her expression. ‘But it’s meaningless for the Fourth […]