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2021 Medals of Commendation!

August 19, 2021

Hello Bravo Fleet! We’re finally here at the time of the year that celebrates Gene Roddenberry’s birthday, and along with it, the yearly awarding of the Starfleet Medal of Commendation! The award reads as follows:

A yearly award for the players of each Task Force (each Task Force can nominate up to 5 people) whom have shown extreme dedication and resilience to their task force and Bravo Fleet, given on the 19th of August (Gene Roddenberry’s birthday).

This year each task force came together to nominate the most dedicated among them. Members of Bravo Fleet could only be nominated once and had to be in the task force that nominated them. Here are the recipients of this year’s Medal of Commendation:

Task Force 17

Task Force 72

Task Force 86

Task Force 93

Congratulations all, and Happy Birthday Gene!