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Echoes of the Tkon: Week 6 Fiction Update

September 6, 2021

It was a quieter week last week, as many of you were fastidious and wrapped up Horizon before the competition deadline. As this week dawns, we already see Phase 3’s storylines heating up. But first – no longer at risk of overshadowing a weekend of announcements, here it is, the latest storyline summary…

Week 6 (28th August – 3rd September)

USS Vesta

The Vesta scans the Kepara Colony, finding a lead on Tkon technology deep within a cave complex, and Science Officer Jeesa Atur suspects the world itself has been relocated by the advanced technology of the ancient civilisation. Captain Adams attempts to take all measures to disguise her away team, the mission itself in violation of the Prime Directive, and once on the surface, the hunt for the Tkon remains begin…

USS Fearless

Deep in the Gamma Quadrant, the Fearless make friends and allies by lending aid to a local freighter captain, and from them learn of a local point of interest: the Eye of Husodo, a site of pilgrimage and mystery…

USS Arcturus

Investigation of the history of the Thalrutanians, and their possible connection to the Tkon, continue as Captain Lancaster compartmentalises information as best he can among his specialists. This leaves some officers, like Communications Officer Lieutenant Galan, pulling additional duties as he is directly ordered to not only work on translations, but to uncover the secrets of an ancient probe. Across the rest of the ship, the tension and secrecy begins to take its toll – even among senior officers…

USS Endeavour

With her captain in a Romulan prison camp, Commander Valance is forced to release disgraced officers from the brig to organise a rescue operation. In a mixture of deceit and speed, Endeavour conducts a lightning raid across the border to the Romulan Star Empire, recovering their captured officers and the smuggler Argus before enemy forces can rally to face them in any force, and slip out of the grasp of the warbird commander hunting them. Once freed, the grateful Argus provides them with the rest of the Tkon records he recovered from an ancient wreck, and the science team at once swings into action. Soon enough they have their heading, finding the final location of the displaced star system Ephrath: deep in the Velorum Nebula, between the Romulan Republic and the Romulan Star Empire…

Roosevelt Station

Arriving in the Cardassia System, Commander Enigma is at once warned of a potential trap by her local contact. The mission proceeds, the team scattering across multiple sites on the fourth planet to make pursuit difficult. On the surface, Enigma discovers a Cardassian dig site, and concludes from the age of the findings and its defences that they have found what they seek. Investigation suggests the location to be a site where the Tkon locked away something dangerous, and Enigma proceeds with caution to find an ambushed and slaughtered team of Cardassian researchers. Securing records of a Tkon star chart, they fall into a firefight with the Nausicaan mercenaries responsible, but manage to overpower the renegade Cardassian officer who had enlisted them. Upon their withdrawal from Cardassian territory, the expedition examines their star maps, whose location Enigma recognises at once, a place she knows well indeed: Cestus III.

USS Atlantia

The Atlantia is forced to send an away team to investigate hints of a Tkon presence on a pre-warp world, investigating caverns deep within a mountain range. The team proceeds, doing their best to avoid contact with the locals, who unbeknownst to them may have already stumbled upon ancient mysteries.

USS Solstice

Commander Porter wrestles with how to proceed under the restrictions of the Omega Directive, forced to abide by the odd orders of his superiors that have led to the imprisonment of one of his own crew. He nevertheless confronts Admiral Vargas so he might see Ensign Harrison for himself – and, perhaps, launch an unorthodox rescue mission…