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The Lost Fleet: Results

June 23, 2023

Members of Bravo Fleet,

Without further delay, I bring you the full results of Fleet Action IV: The Lost Fleet!

Overall Statistics

Total Entries
Unique Participants
Avg. Entries per Participant
Words Written

Overall Winners – Members

Task Force Leaderboard

212 total entries
14 unique participants
15 entries per participant
Total Score: 1471
139 total entries
9 unique participants
15 entries per participant
Total Score: 1004
139 total entries
6 unique participants
23 entries per participant
Total Score: 991.75
144 total entries
13 unique participants
11 entries per participant
Total Score: 991.5
124 total entries
12 unique participants
10 entries per participant
Total Score: 835.75

Competition Winners – Event Wide

Competition Winners – Phase 1

Competition Winners – Phase 2

Competition Winners – Phase 3

Quick Hits

  • I think the stats here really speak for themselves. Take it all in. You guys did an amazing job, and hopefully this Fleet Action was fun for everyone to take part in!
  • This was by far the closest Fleet Action we’ve ever had in the task forces going head to head. Although TF93 won by a decent margin, this is the closest the margin between 1st and 2nd place has ever been. Each TF was extremely competitive; the margin between the remaining task forces was extremely competitive! My hope is that as we continue to do Fleet Actions, members will continue to participate and have fun.
  • We may look to having weight-adjusted point scoring in the future based on the overall size of a TF. TF size may be a random factor that determines who is winning.
  • TF placement has always been said to be something that is “being noted”. As BFMS3 draws closer to a reality, as well as the Fleet Assets system, the picture will become clearer in the semi-near future.
  • The Lost Fleet produced almost 900,000 words written. Which has been noted as being nearly 20% of all words written since we started tracking this metric 3 years ago. This dwarfs the previous record from Sundered Wings of almost 550,000 words written in a Fleet Action.
  • As usual, the overall individual placements game down to participating. There was some jockeying in the 4th to 10th placements based on competition placements, but participation still reigns supreme. Also a huge congrats to McGig and Starbuck for being the only two members who finished this Fleet Action with 100% participation across the board!
  • Big congrats to McGig for being our first back-to-back Fleet Action champ!
  • Another FA where disqualifications were way down. There were six in the entire Fleet Action.
  • All Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stars for placements as well as Challenge Coins for participation will be handed out throughout the following days into the weekend. This is a laborious process, so please bear with us and the Office of the Chief of Staff as we through them all.

Battlefield Promotions

It wouldn’t be a Fleet Action without battlefield promotions. I will be honest in that I didn’t think we were going to, nor did I plan for, battlefield promotions in this Fleet Action for quite a while leading into it. In the end, we gave each TF a chance to submit a name for a battlefield promotion for one member of their TF for The Lost Fleet. These promotions will be processed in a timely fashion once all of the aforementioned awards and Challenge Coins are finished. Congratulations to:

  • Task Force 17: Lieutenant Commander Deneva de Sousa to the rank of Commander
  • Task Force 47: No submission
  • Task Force 72: Lieutenant Ravenwolf to the rank of Lieutenant Commander
  • Task Force 86: No submission
  • Task Force 93: Lieutenant Junior Grade Chris Rouse to the rank of Lieutenant