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Task Force Updates Since our last report in August Task Force 21 has seen some exciting changes at the helm. A huge shoutout to Fleet Admiral Teylas...
Hello Bravo Fleet! We are happy to announce new additions and updates to our command registry and the asset system. Firstly, thank you to...
Fiction Writing
Write in our epic fleet storylines as the captain of your own starship.
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Roleplaying Games
Join a crew and help write their next chapter together.
Writing Sandboxes
Write with the rest of the fleet in one of our collaborative writing sandboxes, open to all members!
Task Force 17
Deep Space Operations
Task Force 21
Frontier Operations
Task Force 47
Pathfinding Operations
Task Force 72
Diplomatic Operations
Task Force 86
Border Operations
Task Force 93
Humanitarian Operations
Read the latest announcements from our staff about upcoming events, updates on our community, and more!
Stormbreaker : Task Force 72
“I don’t think that’ll work ma’am.” “Damn!” Th’lora exclaimed as she threw a PADD down on her desk, “Well then, I guess we’ll have to dispatch the K’Ehleyr ahead of schedule. Inform the captain they are to depart at thirteen-hundred hours”. As her aide left, Th’lora collapsed into her chair, feeling deflated. She’d not ever […]
Th'lora Vehl
Stormbreaker : Task Force 17 competition results
To: Vice Admiral Beckett, Director of Intelligence, Fourth Fleet Command From: Captain Alexandra Sudari-Kravchik, USS Nobel, Task Force 17 Subject: Survey scans of an ion storm nursery Sir, Those of us in Task Force 17 still in the Delta Quadrant are saddened to hear of the difficulties being experienced by those in proximity to the […]
Alexandra Sudari-Kravchik
Appeals Panel
I am pleased to welcome two new members of the Magistrate Staff! Craig, AKA Thrace, and Wes, AKA ResidualRose, have accepted positions on the Appeals Panel. It is the job of the Appeals Panel to make certain that the rights of Bravo Fleet’s members are upheld through the inherently difficult Magistrate process, and we were […]
Office of the Judge Advocate General
Stormbreaker: Week 1 Fiction Update
I’m delighted to show that the Stormbreaker Campaign is off to a rip-roaring start – much like the Century Storm tearing its way through the Paulson Nebula, threatening the lives of millions. To help people keep up with the many stories being told, the Lore Office, ably assisted by TF staff, will yet again provide […]
Intelligence Office
Alexander Beckett
Stormbreaker : Task Force 17
“Priority message coming in from Starfleet Command ma’am,” Lieutenant Woodrow’s voice came from the well-hidden speakers in the ready room. “Put it through James,” she commanded and waited for her computer screen to flick from the reports she had been reading to whatever missive it was that Starfleet felt compelled to send towards one Captain […]
The Stormbreaker Campaign begins!
Ion storms ravage the Paulson Nebula, manifesting as if from nowhere and endangering all who live and travel within its depths. Without a response, countless lives will be lost. Will your crew join the evacuation effort? Will they try to shield endangered stations and ships? Will they seek out the mysterious subspace anomalies that have […]
Fleet CommandIntelligence Office
New Bravo Fleet Defender, Extended Applications for Appeals Panel
Bravo Fleet Defender It is my absolute joy to announce that Tom, AKA OneTrekMind, has been appointed the new Bravo Fleet Defender! Tom is a longtime member of our Graphics Team and has been a great asset there. His credentials and experience are impeccable, and I am very excited to work with him in the […]
Magistrate Office Applications Open!
After serving as Defender for two years, DizzyG (ID: 763) has decided not to seek a third term. As the Defender, she represented and guided two of our members through a crucial process in our judicial system. Thank you for your service to Bravo Fleet, Dizzy! In addition to Dizzy’s departure, Mark (ID: 72) and […]
Internet Office Update – BFMS Writing
Over the past two years, the Bravo Fleet Management System has grown to support almost all of the activities we offer. We’ve added competitions, a ranking system, and even integrated writing functions to support our members’ storytelling. No matter how capable our system is, using the default WordPress post page doesn’t always provide the most […]
Engineering Office
Elizabeth Wolf
The Stormbreaker Campaign Briefing
In two weeks’ time, on February 5th, the first Bravo Fleet campaign of 2022 will begin: Stormbreaker. When a once-in-a-century ion storm threatens the Paulson Nebula, countless lives are at risk. It’s down to the Fourth Fleet to respond. The Century Storm is coming. But don’t just take my short words for it, or even […]
OCS – Competition Announcement & Staffing Update
Hello Bravo Fleet! We hope everyone has been enjoying the recent competitions that helped kick start 2022 with a bang! Don’t forget you too can submit an idea for a competition for the OCS to review, so put your thinking hats on and get those ideas in to us! Competition Announcement Our first set of […]
Office of the Chief of Staff
Zack Marshall-Bennet
Starbase Bravo Open
Over the past three-ish years, the Senior Staff have been thinking about different activities we can offer to best meet the needs of the group. The short version is that more people want to be captains than they want to manage groups of other writers, which has made the solo writing options through the command […]
Intelligence OfficeOperations Office
Aubrey Seagraves