Check out our latest Fleet Action!


Operation Homestead

It's time to take a step back, reflect on past missions and allow the crews of the Fourth Fleet to relax and unwind before the start of the 25th century!

Event Description

What’s an Operation?

An operation is a coordinated effort led by the Operations Office during which Task Forces prepare competitions fitting a unified theme over the course of several individual event weeks, to bridge between the stories of Fleet Actions and Campaigns. These are lower-intensity events, designed to make sure that there are consistent opportunities for people to enter in competitions. They are also opportunities to provide guided ways for members to interact directly with the canon that surrounds their home task force, both in their fiction and in world-building challenges. Unlike a Fleet Action, task forces are not in competition with one another, and unlike a Campaign, there are no regular lore updates with story beats, as it is intended to be free-form and at the members’ discretion. Also unlike a Fleet Action, members are not prohibited from proposing their own unrelated competitions during this time, and, indeed, Task Force staff are encouraged to seek out members of their TFs willing to put on competitions.

OOC Premise of Operation Homestead

Campaigns and Fleet Actions require a substantial amount of world-building, and they really get our members rolling on their word counts. They’re intensive, exciting events that bring the whole fleet together for one purpose. Between those events, though, we want to provide structure and support for story telling without that same pressure. The purpose of this operation is to provide a number of opportunities that reward building canon in your own task force’s backyard and at Starbase Bravo: we’ll be working to flesh out headquarters stations (and the flotilla in the case of TF17).  The overall theme of this operation will be used by all four Task Forces who will be putting on event weeks spread throughout the operation, which will take us to the beginning of December.

Operation-Wide Competitions

The operations office will host and grade several ongoing competitions during the operation, all centered around getting members to use our canon and help develop it at the same time. Part of this will include a fiction competition, but the new thing we’ll be trying for this operation is a way of rewarding the creation of people and places for either Starbase Bravo or your Task Force headquarters (like Vandorin’s Bistro above). Details on these opportunities will be released on the 11th.

Task Force Event Weeks

As we did last Fall and also in the Spring (before and after the Archanis Campaign), Task Forces will once again be putting on event weeks. They run from Monday to Monday and will have at least five events. Each TF will release the details of their competitions closer to the start dates.

Task Force 17: October 11th 0000 GMT – October 18th 0000 GMT
Task Force 72: October 25th 0000 GMT – November 1st 0000 GMT
Task Force 86: November 8th 0000 GMT – November 15th 0000 GMT
Task Force 93: November 29th 0000 GMT – December 6th 0000 GMT

Lore Office Guidance

Per Fleet Admiral Ramar’s instructions, Vice Admiral Seagraves has sent off a raft of instructions to all four Task Forces, with instructions to rebuild the Federation’s good name after the Omega crisis and to make special efforts to see to crew morale: dealing with Omega right after dealing with the Klingons is not something that a fleet of explorers can do without suffering at least some fatigue. As such, duty orders have been relaxed to allow for shore leave and lower-intensity diplomatic and humanitarian efforts for the Fourth Fleet, while local sector forces take up the slack in defensive roles, as the Fourth Fleet looks towards its next big exploratory push in the year 2400.

Event Missions Stories


About the Event

Event Type
Task Force Event
4 phases
Start Date
11 October 2021
End Date
10 December 2021

Managed By the

Office of the Chief of Staff

This service is managed by the Office of the Chief of Staff. If you have questions about this service, please contact an office staff member.