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The Engineering Office did some baking over the holidays. Last month, we updated how gaming works in BFMS v3.3, and today, we are pleased to announce...
Dear Bravo Fleet, I’m thrilled to announce that this round brought an abundance of applicants, resulting in some fantastic changes and new...
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Task Force 17
Deep Space Operations
Task Force 21
Frontier Operations
Task Force 47
Pathfinding Operations
Task Force 72
Diplomatic Operations
Task Force 86
Border Operations
Task Force 93
Humanitarian Operations
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Attention to Orders
Happy weekend, Task Force 72. I find myself privileged on this cold December morning to recognize a particular individual within Task Force 72. In recognition of completing the Academy, and achieving active status with his sim, it is my pleasure to promote Lieutenant Commander Remas McDonald of the USS Traveller to the rank of Commander, with […]
PromotionsTask Force 72
Change of Guards
From Command Area of Operations Task Force 93 Commandant Vice Admiral Anin Good day, The past year has been enormous in many ways, we have seen so many things change and flourish among our mids. Changes like this Task Force so drastic right in front of my eyes, we managed to continue development of a […]
Office of the Chief of StaffPromotionsTask Force 93
Blast From The Past
It is with great pleasure that I welcome the USS Providence to Task Force 72! And, yes, that is your classic Constitution-Class starship you see above. Led by Lieutenant Commander Rick McGavin, the USS Providence is pulled through time from the 2270s to 2388! The crew must not only come to grips with the fact […]
Fleet Ceremony – Revenant
From Command Area of Operations Task Force 93 Commandant Vice Admiral Anin Good day, The SFM Revenant is currently under the Command of Victor Muirne with the rank of Major. Per the requirements of By-Law 2.1, Section 2 part 4 of the Bravo Fleet rules and by the official declaration of Starfleet Academy Commandant, Admiral […]
PromotionsTask Force 93
A Promotion
Happy weekend, Task Force 72. I find myself privileged on this Saturday morning to perform my first promotion as your Task Force Commanding Officer. In recognition of completing the Academy, and achieving active status with his sim, it is my pleasure to promote Lieutenant Commander Mrazak of Memory Theta to the rank of Commander, with all […]
Command Halt
From Command Area of Operations Task Force 93 Commandant Vice Admiral Anin Good day, Due towards logistics problems and consultation with Starfleet Command, Task Force 93 will not be launching new commands in its current structure. The reason towards this choice is made out of limitation in resources, low numbers in personnel and operational structure […]
The Sentinel is at the gate!
From Command Area of Operations Task Force 93 Commandant Vice Admiral Anin Good day, Due to developments in the Raeya Sector, it was made possible for Task Force 93 to deploy another vessel. The USS Sentinel has been placed back into active service after three and a half years of being in storage. With this […]
Promotion Ceremony – Hawaii
From Command Area of Operations Task Force 93 Commandant Vice Admiral Anin Good day, The USS Hawaii is currently under the Command of Akio Tachibana with the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Per the requirements of By-Law 2.1, Section 2 part 4 of the Bravo Fleet rules and by the official declaration of Starfleet Academy Commandant, Admiral Hars Darax. Mister […]
Announcement of Task Group Commanding Officers
Good day all, It is with great pleasure and honor to present to you the new Task Group Commanding Officers within Task Force 93. This project is under my own lead and it is to see if we can reintegrate the TGCO position back into our ranks. Task Force 93 has been going strong since […]
Update to the Cardassian Advance
Relations between the Cardassian Union and the Breen have never been this tense. Prior to the Dominion War, the Breen preferred to keep to themselves, rarely pushing against the Federation and Cardassian borders or allowing anyone inside theirs. The war changed many things, including emboldening the Confederacy. When the war ended, though the Breen was […]
Home of the Darkest Secrets
Starfleet has many secrets, and those secrets must be guarded. For that purpose, Starfleet has commissioned Memory Theta, a hub for top-secret research and artifacts that must be kept far away from daylight. Representing Memory Theta is Lieutenant Commander Mzarak. Welcome to Task Force 72!
The Traveller Has Come!
No, no. We’re not talking about giant marshmallow men. The USS Traveller has come to Task Force 72. This Ronin class vessel, under the command of Lt. Commander Remas McDonald, has been outfitted for a unique mission: to explore Messier 4, one of the many globular clusters found orbiting above the disc of the Milky […]