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The Engineering Office did some baking over the holidays. Last month, we updated how gaming works in BFMS v3.3, and today, we are pleased to announce...
Dear Bravo Fleet, I’m thrilled to announce that this round brought an abundance of applicants, resulting in some fantastic changes and new...
Fiction Writing
Write in our epic fleet storylines as the captain of your own starship.
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Compete with other members in writing, graphics, gaming, and puzzle events.
Join fellow gamers in our Star Trek Online and World of Warships fleets.
Roleplaying Games
Join a crew and help write their next chapter together.
Writing Sandboxes
Write with the rest of the fleet in one of our collaborative writing sandboxes, open to all members!
Task Force 17
Deep Space Operations
Task Force 21
Frontier Operations
Task Force 47
Pathfinding Operations
Task Force 72
Diplomatic Operations
Task Force 86
Border Operations
Task Force 93
Humanitarian Operations
Read the latest announcements from our staff about upcoming events, updates on our community, and more!
Lore Office Report 2021
2021 was a busy year for the Lore Office. We tried a lot of new things, and, good news! A lot of it worked or went well. The even better news is that what didn’t work still taught us valuable lessons. I came to the Lore Office with two golden rules of storytelling. The first […]
Fleet CommandFleet DepartmentsIntelligence Office
Alexander Beckett
Applications Open: Task Force 93 Commanding Officer
I’m here again to announce another change in task force leadership. As of a short while ago, Leah has tendered her resignation as Task Force 93 Commanding Officer. As our longest-serving TFCO (with just over a year and change in that role), a rest from staff work is well deserved. We thank her for her […]
Operations OfficeTask Force 93
Aubrey Seagraves
Operation Homestead Overall Results
As we draw towards our end of the year break, I’m pleased to announce the results of the operation-long competitions from Operation Homestead. While turnout in these competitions was not as strong as I would have hoped, several were quite competitive. We tried a few competition types that we hadn’t done before, and I think […]
Operations Office
OCS: Recruitment – Update!
Hello everyone! I am happy to announce that our recruitment drive for the Office of the Chief of Staff has now concluded. Thank you to everyone who applied and who offered to help out. I really do appreciate everyone’s time and effort in doing these. It was great to see who was eager to help […]
Office of the Chief of Staff
Zack Marshall-Bennet
Among Us Gaming Night
Greeting Fellow Fleeters! It’s been a while since you have seen anything from me, but don’t worry I am still here and I have some great news! We are planning a gaming night and would love for the whole fleet to get involved! If you can’t guess from the photo and the title we are […]
Security Office
Mero Tomuya
STO Screenshot Competitions November 2021- Winners Announcement
Congratulations to all that placed and to all the entrants! This was a tough one to judge in some respects - there were some excellent screenshots, and both Darth and I struggled with the placement in this one.
One thing this has taught myself, and I hope that you can see that too, is that STO is not only a game for us as a diversion, but every once in a while it can also be used as a visual tool for your own writing. A lot of the ships available in Star Trek Online are ships that Bravo Fleet offers out for role-playing; it would be foolhardy to ignore a resource like this for as long as it is around.
Rob Mackenzie
Fleet Command Report: A new Admiral of the Fleet
To the members of Bravo Fleet: I’ll keep this one short, I promise. First, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the part of the world who celebrates in late November. Eat until you can’t eat any more. Recently I convened a meeting of the Small Council Senior Staff, minus one person. Something I had been thinking […]
Fleet CommandOffice of the Chief of StaffPromotions
Teylas Ramar
OCS: Recruitment
Hello everyone! The Office of the Chief of Staff is having a recruitment drive to expand our team and I am looking to have a staff who are able to help manage one of the many busiest departments in our great community. The OCS is in need for someone to become Bravo Fleet’s new Deputy […]
November 2021 Operations Report: RPGs and TF Staff
This is going to be a relatively long announcement, describing some current issues with RPGs, some changes, and my plans for the future. So, grab a cup of coffee and brace yourself for some pontificating. I have been thinking a lot about what the purpose of these offerings is and how they can best support […]
Gaming Office Updates – November 2021
We haven't had a good old-fashioned competition in a while, have we? Well, fear not. Our intrepid Gaming XO, DarthCrusader, has put together a little beauty shot competition within Star Trek Online. We have two going - one for KDF ships in specific, and one for Starfleet ships. We do have a rule for no vanity shields, to keep it a bit more level of a playing field so that all can participate.
Internet Office Update – RPG Applications!
A lot of our work in the Internet Office is to improve services and activities offered by other departments, so it isn’t often that we get to make an announcement about new changes! We’ve done a lot of work to BFMS over the past few months and I’m happy to say that we’re continuing to […]
Engineering Office
Elizabeth Wolf
OCS Update – Competitions, Ribbons & Mentors!
“Ladies and Gentlemen, meet the Rubions.” spoke Commander Trecia Wroht. From the front of her lecture hall, the professor for cultural anthropology on Mellstoxx III shared her enthusiasm as a rotating holographic representation of the Rubion species appeared beside her. A relatively tall and broad shoulder figure appeared. Humanoid in appearance, the Rubion man wore […]