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Bravo Fleet Graphics Updates

April 14, 2022

Here at Bravo Fleet we are very proud of the amazing work that our members have created for themselves, their stories, and their games. We doubly proud that some of our members go above the call of duty to volunteer to make graphics for other members of the fleet! This is the kind of community that wants to see each other thrive and our stories become immersive. Graphics do that and we have a strong tradition of producing quality stuff.

We have done a little more reshuffling with responsibilities amongst the BF Senior Staff. While the Graphics Team has lived under the auspices of the BF Internet Office, we have determined it was better suited to be a part of the Communications Office. A huge thanks goes to Emily who oversaw the Graphics team for so long, and furthermore another huge thanks goes to Tom aka Khaled al Rashid who has been leading the Graphics Team as its Director (SO: Graphics) for nearly 2 years. Both Emily and Tom worked well together to preserve, protect, and defend the graphics throughout the Fleet. I am glad that Tom will be continuing in that role moving forward!

I also want to take a moment to recognize the official members of the Graphics Team who give up their time to put together some outstanding graphics for all of us. Give it up for Tom, Cath, MJ, Jess, and R’Tor! Thank you for all that you do to keep us looking great.

In addition to moving the Graphics Team under Communications, Emily and Tom began working on some needed changes to our Fleet Graphics Policy. I’m happy to say we have finalized those changes and the current policy can be found by clicking here. Please take a moment to review as we have implemented a new change that I think will help our team not get taken advantage of!

  • We have updated the language to reflect our usage of the BFMS for most requests.
  • Codified that modification of images created by our team, or others in the Fleet, should not be used and/or modified by another member without express permission.
  • Instituted the rank requirement of at least ENSIGN to make an official request.

We believe that this will not only benefit our team, but the entire fleet. The work and time that gets put into these creations is done free of charge, and should therefore be rightly respected.

If anyone has any questions, please feel free to reach out to me or Tom!