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Space is a dangerous place and the need for a hardy crew to pilot the high tech scout is high.

USS Daedalus

Task Force 72

The USS Daedalus sets out with a new crew and a new mission within the Mackenzie Squadron in Task Force 72.

Dragonfly Emissary Division

The Dragonfly Emissary Division is a powerful component of Task Force 72: Diplomatic Operations. It operates under the command of Captain Wren Walton, Starfleet. Captain Walton commands the division from her flagship, the USS Dragonfly (NCC-83008), an Obena-class Emissary Explorer.
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Crew Manifest

Name Position Rank
ID: 2468
ID: 2468
ID: 2468
Chief Medical Officer
ID: 2468
Chief Security / Tactical Officer
ID: 2468
Chief Engineering Officer
ID: 2468
Deputy Chief Engineering Officer
ID: 2468
Chief Operations Officer
ID: 2468
Chief Flight Control Officer
ID: 2468
Chief Communications Officer
ID: 2468
Chief Science Officer
ID: 2468
Communications and Science Specialist
ID: 2468
Chief Counselor
ID: 2468
ID: 2468
ID: 2468
ID: 2468
Commanding Officer Mackenzie Squadron
ID: 2468
ID: 2468

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30 May 2024

A Jacobian Awakening

USS Daedalus: Those Moments Inbetween

“Bringing a former Gul is a nice touch.” Harold Jacobi sat in a chair, his hands bound.  He glared at the three of them, annoyed. Milton Ford sat in the chair across from the former Starfleet Officer, “We thought it’d help keep people from trying anything while we looked for you. [...]

29 May 2024

I, Klingon

USS Daedalus: Those Moments Inbetween

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Captain Helena Dread stood in full gear on one side of the Autopsy table opposite her newly promoted Chief Medical Officer, Jordan Reid.  “I thought we got ’em all.” Jordan, her feet shifting in uncertainty, had been just as stunned as her CO when she [...]

29 May 2024

Cat, Mouse, and Otherwise

USS Daedalus: Those Moments Inbetween

“I wondered where I’d screwed up when they detected Mackenzie’s signal inbound.” Helena Dread mused as she worked at the stove, a delicate trove of ingredients at work in the steaming pot. The day was heading toward its zenith, and she’d tossed an invite to dinner to her squadron [...]

28 May 2024

The Game

USS Daedalus: Those Moments Inbetween

“He wanted to be found.”  Jordan Reid knelt over the body of Jeremiah Muncie; her equipment spread out while other members of the medical response team examined the four other bodies in the engineering room.  She had been gently using her surgery tools to dig into the man’s chest, [...]